chapter 9

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Holla people!!!! Firstly Happy Dussehra🥳 sorry for the late update. I couldn't concentrate on writing even though I wanted to update.

when ever I tried to write I couldn't write more than 2 or 3 words, it was like my creative brain was sleeping and doesn't want to wakeup.

It is short chapter hope you like it.

Please vote and comment, your comments means lot to me

Thank you....

Giggles and laughter was only thing heard around there, childern was playing without any care about word, A man sat on bench looking around, he dont know why he wanted to come there today but he did. Suddenly he felt a hit on his leg he looked down a found a ball near his feet, when he looked other side he saw a little blonde girl was looking at him curiously. He smiled at her she returned it and spoke,

"Will you pway with meh" she asked pouting, Abhiman looked at her with small smile he remembered Adhira she also can't spell some words.

"Ella" he heard a lady voice he looked up

"Iam sorry" lady apologized him, he nodded, he looked at how girl's face fell

"Hey Ella, Iam Abhiman" he extended his hand

"A...ab..." He smiled

"Abhi, you can call me that" that little girl nodded smiling

"Abhi" she mimicked him. But it came out weirdly. He ruffled her hair, he looked at her longingly, she was just like Adhira.

"Ella let's go, your mum must be waiting" woman said, Ella pouted nodding.

"Bye Abhi" that little girl waved, he kneeled on ground and kissed her cheek.

"Bye Ella" he said smiling.

"Iam sorry again" lady said, Abhiman shook his head

"It's fine, she remembers me my daughter" he replied looking at Ella.

"Is she like me" Ella asked him, Abhiman nodded

"Just like you cute, beautiful" he said smiling at her, after that Ella left with that woman Abhiman looked at his phone screen unlocking it, and creased it with his tumb, he smiled looking at her Laughing picture which Vihaan clicked after they came from hospital that day.

It's been a month he met her, he avoided her totally, Adhira was stubborn to meet him even after knowing he wasn't her father, Anu was not happy with him meeting Adhira, one day he met her but Anu warned him not to meet her again, everything was good until one week, one day he was in traffic and opened the window when he saw Adhira on bike with her grandfather, he smiled looking at her he wanted to go towards her but he respected that little girl's mother, when he was about to close window Adhira saw him before abhiman could understand anything she started running towards his car, people started moving when signal turned green, that day she almost had an accident and he decided go away from there upto she forget him, he didn't contacted anyone after coming to London, only person he was in contact was Rajveer his security head and looks after everything in office in his absence.

He slowly started walking towards hotel which he was staying, when he reached hotel staff greeted him, he nodded going towards private lift, it was one of the branches his father's hotel, now his, when he reached penthouse he unlocked it and ordered food for him as it was already dinner time. His phone rang suddenly he know only Rajveer has access to this number he frowned looking at the time, it will be midnight in india.

"Hello, sir" He heard rajveer's voice

"Is everything fine Rajveer" Abhiman asked

"No sir, actually Ahuja's men following Anuja mam" Abhiman frowned listing to him, but he let him continue "we saw a man creeping near office but we thought he was for you, then that day evening that man started following Anuja mam, we caught him" Abhiman listened to him carefully he continued "when we torched him for two days, he conveyed that viren Ahuja payed him to follow your wife and daughter" Abhiman clenched his fist.

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