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Tobin and Willow laughed and played on the xbox, Jess and Christen cuddled up to Willow and Tobin, they didn't mind them playing games. Willow had soundproof the house. It was soon time for bed, Christen and Jess went up first.  

While Tobin and Willow locked up the house. “Tobin you can make as much noise as you want tonight” said Willow. “What” asked Tobin, “the house is soundproof” explained Willow.

Tobin looked shocked but shook it off and said okay. Tobin and Willow walked up the stairs together after making sure the house was secure. Willow and Tobin said goodnight to each other before going into the respective bedrooms. 

When Willow entered the bedroom she saw Jess lying on bed. Willow got ready for bed and took her braces off and got in behind Jess and kissed her neck. Willow settled in bed with her arms wrapped around Jess and they fell to sleep in that position. When the sun shone through the window and woke up Jess and Willow and decided to get up and get dressed. Willow put her splints on and got dressed in joggers and shirts due to them traveling through the night.  

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