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The next morning everyone has gathered into the restaurant. Willow and Jess was the last people to arrive, Willow had a smile plastered on her face when they saw all their family in one room together. Tobin was the first to notice them. “Hey how did you two sleep” asked Tobin, “we slept good and it was nice having her in my arms as my wife” answered Willow. Tobin nodded and then lead them to their parents and family. Once the rest of were ware of that Willow and Jess had joined them they got up and hugged them. 

Willow sat down and then pulled Jess on to her lap, Jess looked at Willow over shoulder and then gave her a peck on the lips. Willow then put her head on Jess’s shoulder, Jess smiled at this action. Willow tightened her hold on Jess when she felt Jess slipping, Willow still couldnt believe yesterday really happened but she was glad she did. 

Jess and Willow stayed in there seat as their friends and family came to say congratulations and goodbye. Everyone left but Traci, Vince, Cindy, Jefferey, Brandon, Jeff, Katie, Perry, Tobin, Christen, Alex, Ash, Ali and Kelley. 

Willow smiled as she looked around at her friends and family. Willow was happy that she survived the Army, she would do it all again if it meant being here with her family. 

Soon everyone stated to leave Willow and Jess made their back to their room to pack there stuff. All the presents were already in the car, Jess and Willow made short work of packing their bags. 

Willow and Jess were the last ones to leave they stood at the car looking over the lake. “It was a good day yesterday wasnt it?” asked Willow, “yes the best” replied Jess. Willow leaned down and gave Jess a kiss and then opened her door for Jess and then got in her self. Willow chose to drive them home.

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