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Once Tobin got to the door and opened the door she found Ash, Ali, her siblings and parents. Tobin invinted them in and they went and sat on the bed. "Hey Ery, Dad do you want to come shopping with me and Chris" asked Willow. Jeffery and Jeff had tears in their eyes, Willow was calling them by there old nicknames. "Can I come" asked Ash. Willow nodded her head. They then set it up fot the next days Willow, Jeff, Jeffery,Ash and Christen was discussing where to go. "Will are you going to tell them why you are going" said Tobin, Willow kept quite so her sisters started to tease her. Willow smiled at this it was nice to be back with her family.

"If you dont tell them I will" said Tobin, Willow shugged she didnt chair who knew she was finally happy after 3 years of torture. "Little Willow has got a date with one of my team mates" said Tobin. Cindy and Jeff looked at eachother "honey dont you think it is to soon to be going on dates you have only just got back" said Cindy. "Mom I want to live my life, I watched Jessica and Tobin trough my years away, until I held hostage and once I was relased I asked my team leader all the things about Tobin and Jessica he kept tabs on them for me. Yes I have only just come back but I want to live my life please let me" Willow told them. Cindy looked shocked.

"Now if you dont mind I want go to bed it has been a tiring day for me" said Willow everyone left the room, Tobin and Christen stayed behind for a little while "sorry Willow I didnt think they would act like this" said Tobin "its fine tobin you didnt know" answered Willow. Tobin and Willow hugged. "See you tomorrow" Tobin and Christen said in unison. Once everyone left Willow locked the rooms door and then she got a shower and dressed for bed. Willow then swiftly feel asleep.

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