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Malia's POV

It's been a few weeks since I moved away from my grandma house and also a few weeks since I found out that I'm a witch and let's just say things are not going well, I couldn't eat or drink after what happened at my grandma's funeral.


Looking down at my hands as the calming music was coming through my ears I knew what that meant and that is why I didn't want to look up because then I'd see what I didn't want too and then everything right now will be truth and i just couldnt believe that at the moment because i didnt want it to be true...

My grandma's coffin.

Eventually I felt a squeeze on my hand and I knew that I wasn't alone I turned to my left and there was my... I'm not even sure what to call him at the moment because we haven't really spoke about any of it after the kiss we had in my grandma's house that is now up for sale and away from my parents.

Speaking of my parents no one knows where they actually are its like they disappears and i just hope its for good they have done this and ran away like they always do but hey at least my grandmother is far away from this and that part i am happy because now she is with her husband and my grandfather the one person she loves deeply.

When I looked up and I saw the picture of my adored grandma, and that alone made me smile at least she's happy where ever she is well is shes with my other grandmother i just hope she looking down on me like my guardian angel and that is when i looked up and smiled sadly knowing she would upset with me if she saw me.

Just when the priest turned up and started talking about what how much she was loved her family and friends and how good her life was when she lived it to the fullest and then it was my turn to say my speech and thast when i froze.

"I cant do it Cam..." i whispered to him knowing he can hear me.

"Yes you can baby, do you want me to come up?" he asked me and squeezed my hand again and i couldn't help but not and that's when we both stood up and walked to the front and i took my stand next to the bible.

"Knowing my grandmother very well i know she wouldn't want you to be upset, she'd want you all to smile and make jokes even on days like this but unfortunately i just cant seem to do it... i cant promise to her that i wont but sad today but ill try my best to promise that i wont be upset every day after this day so ill give her this day for all of you to cry and then afterwards i don't think she would like it if we did every other day."

"She was my family that i didn't have but also she was my mother... she may have been my grandmother but she was all of them my best friend, my grandmother and also my mother. she looked after me when my parents would only come back for money but when it came to her she was there when i gave up because i was bullied at school and shes the one that told me to get back on my legs and move my little ass" as i asked the last bit i heard every one laugh because they knew what she was like.

"She was adored by everyone, and she adored everyone around her... she will always love those around her no matter where she is..." i felt a tear rolling down my cheek and then that's when everyone clapped knowing i couldn't say anything else without crying my eye out.

After that nevertheless the ceremony was amazing and she would have been proud especially with all her friends and family was talking to her and all the memories they had with her even the embarrassing ones she would have laughed out and some part of me felt like she was doing exactly that watching us with a smile on her face.

"Now would you all start walking outside after the people who was chosen take the coffin to the graveyard for the burial" the priest vowed to everyone and then Cam and her oldest friends stood up and walked over to the coffin and they took their place and lifted the coffin up on their shoulders and slowly started walking out from the place that they came from and then one by one others started following them and then it was my turn to walk out after everyone else and just as I did I saw the people I didn't want to ever see again just as long as I lived or should I say they lived.

Just as I saw them I heard a growl from Cam I turned round and saw him watching me knowing him he saw how scared I was when I saw my parents standing there with a huge smirk on there faces.

Frowning at them i stepped forward towards them as i felt the anger coming off me and in the corner of my eye i saw Cam walking towards me as i saw the coffin ready to go down the hole.

"You have no right to be here." i told them quietly but all i got was a smirked from my parents.

"Actually i have every right as her daughter i get everything because the old bat died." my mother making snide comments about my grandmother on this day i suddenly felt angry and hot.

"How dear you." i growled quietly.

"No dear daughter of mine how dear you, your our daughter and you will be coming back with us" my father said as he stepped forward to touch me.

"Like hell will i move back to you nor is the house yours, your the reason of her death and i suggest for you to turn around and walk back out of the gates before i through you out of them myself." stepping forwards towards them making them back away as i saw shock but then it was replaced by anger and it was towards me.

"Do not speak to your mother that way!" my father shouted at me into my face but he wasnt there for a second after when i saw him laying on the floor and Cam in front of me growling softly.

"What the..." i heard my father whisper and look at us just as my mother went t help him up and then they went running off out of the gates but as they looked back i knew that it wasnt the end of seeing them...

Cam >>>>

The Alpha And The Witch #Book 4Where stories live. Discover now