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Cameron POV

The moment i saw her running i watched her every move she moved very quickly i didn't get time to even speak to her and that made me frustrated my little mate can run thats for sure, i could have been proud if it wasnt for the fact that she was running away from me again.

"What was that about why wouldn't i want to know her?" i spoke out loud asking Chase for the answers that she said he would tell me.

"She's been bullied her whole life, she doesn't trust people because she doesnt have any friends all expect the Beta" Chase walked behind me and placed hes hand on my shoulder and gave me a sad smile knowing the struggle im in about wanting my mate by my side.

"Then how did she speak to you?" frowning with the fact that she would speak to my third command and not me it hurt....

"I think her Luna side knows i wouldnt hurt her" i couldnt help but smile but then again i understood what it could also mean.

"I wouldnt hurt her" frowning not understanding it.

"I think she's just new to all these feelings, especially being called beautiful..." growling in frustration as he explains himself.

"What do you mean?" i asked him turning around to look at him and he gave me another sad smile.

"She's... lets just put it this way shes very.. very pure.." he replied, i frowned for a second not understanding and then i got it how couldnt have i known and it made me angry at myself.

"That is going to make things difficult..." looking down on the floor, slightly embarrassed that i couldnt tell one thing about my mate and thats her innocence...

"But it will be worth it in the end" Chase replied smiling at me as i understood everything he was saying.

"Where to start though?" rubbing the back of my head annoyed with myself.

"Get her to trust you and dont do anything like you used too" i know what he was talking about i did use to sleep around with other girls but i haven't done that in a while and its not going to start now, the things i would love to do with my mate but i knew now wasnt the time and even if she was willing i would still want to know if it was the right time.


Walking around the streets thinking about what can i do to gain her trust and then thats when i heard someone crying in a house with the door which was wide open frowning i walked closer and heard it getting louder and it made me feel heartbroken for some odd reason wow i sound like im a girl.

"Hello?" i spoke alittle louder and knocking on the door and when i did so i heard a whimper so i took a leap of faith and walked into the door and i was shocked to see who it was.

"Malia?" i whispered not wanting to startle her and looked up and i saw the shock on her face.

"Cam?" i would have questioned the name but i knew now was not the time especially when i saw the elderly women on the floor but i knew there was no heart beat the moment i heard there was only one heart beat in the house when i walked into the house.

"What happened" nodding to her friend.

"My parents... stabbed my grandma..." i was left speechless.

Her parents did this...

"H..have you called the police?" i stuttered out was the only thing i could muster up.

"Not yet... i dont want to let her go..." she whimpered and started crying again.

"Do you mind ringing them whilst i say good bye?" she whispered wiping her eyes and getting up. 

"Of course, ill just be outside" knowing she needed some time alone to say good bye to her grandma.


Watching the ambulance and the police driving away i watched as my mate was as pale as a sheet she looked like she was ill i get that maybe this had scarred her for life but then again she looked like she was burning up.

"Hey are you ok?" i asked her but it was too late the moment i finished asking if she was ok she passed out, quickly catching her before she hit the floor and i started to panic what shall i do?

Mind linking Chase to bring the car to the address i was at and picked her up, walking outside and pulled her closer towards me when the car came i quickly got in the back seat when i was bombarded with questions which made me growl.

"What the hell happened to her!?"

"Will she be ok?"

"Jesus, i dont know Chase, i only just caught her" looking down at my mate hoping she was okay and hoping nothing serious was wrong.

"Where are we going?" Chase asked.

"Pack house, i need to know if she is ok" not looking at him whilst talking never looking away from my beautiful mate.

'What's wrong with her?'  i asked my wolf but all i got was a whimper he didnt know what was wrong with her it was all knew to us but then again we have only just met with her and she's got us wrapped around her little fingers and she didn't even know it and hell i didn't even know it until now when i heard my wolf whimper for her to wake up, knowing my wolf he was as tuff as nails and he was behaving like this it was un-natural.

Arriving at the pack house i quickly got out of the car as Chase held the door open whilst i slipped out with her in my arms, and quickly walked into the pack house whilst people would look in concern with the girl in my arms and some with frowns which if it was any other day i would have said something from now on i kept walking towards the hospital where the pack doctor was.

"Doctor Kane, can you help me?" walking into the doors and shouted out where ever he was and he appeared out of no where.

"Of course Alpha" he replied and quickly had a look and my little mate who i placed on the bed when i shouted him over.

I watched as i watched him touching her to assess what is wrong with her and he wrote everything down i got slightly worried when he looked at me with sympathy.

"Nothing serious is with her" he says which made me frown.

"Then why did she faint?"

"Maybe the stress?" he says but it sounded like a question.

"Will she be ok?" i looked at him and he smiles and nods.

"Of course Alpha, she looks like a fighter" smiling at me but i looked away and was staring down at my little Malia.

"She is..." thinking about the moments with her grandma and the parts where i had seen her a school and the things Chase had told me about she was defiantly a fighter, Kane wanted her to stay into the pack hospital to make she is ok until she wakes up but something inside knew its going to take some time for her to wake up and i was hoping when she does shes going to be ok.

Malia >>>>

The Alpha And The Witch #Book 4Where stories live. Discover now