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Cameron POV

Waiting for the family to walk into my office I was nervous this will be the first time me doing it on my own and not with my father being in the room but I knew it had to be me to do it without hes help to show people that i dont need the older alpha for help and i am able to do it on my own also to show my father that i am able to look after hes pack.

'Knock knock'

"Come in" I says to the door, oddly enough I only hear two heart beats and i asked for the three of them, the door opens revealing only the Jamestons parents frowning and wondering where the daughter is as i watched her father cloding the door behind making me realise that there daughter isnt with them.

"Where is your daughter? I asked for the two of you and your daughter." Getting slightly angry which by the looks of their faces they knew it too as the moved uncomfortable and wasnt looking at me in the face.

"I'm sorry for our daughters absent alpha, she's... With company at the moment" her father stuttered as he explains hes daughter absent.

"I don't care who she is with all I want is the three of you in my office now" i growled out and stood up.

"Listen here boy." Her father tried to stop me from shouting which only made my wolf angry at the disrespect that i mean to be getting from people around me.

"No you listen to me, your daughter has been tormenting my mate since she started school and I was going to tell all three of you together that I'm banishing your daughter from my pack and territory by the end of the day and you can choose either to stay or go with her and live the life of a rogue because I am possible that no one will take in your daughter after they here that she's been bullying a human in the schools." I heard a gasp and saw her mother hand over her mouth.

"She would never..." She trys to say but I cut in.

"But she did, many people are witnesses too that but that's not only what she had done. A pack member from the neighbour pack member also who is also the beta is my mates best friend and they have lost the friendship because by your daughter and if I don't do anything then no doubt he would make sure of it and a part of me dont even care about her but still shes in my park and she should be punished by me and no one else."

"Now what is your daughter really doing and where is she?" i questioned them as i was getting frustrated.

"She is with a omega in her bedroom." i heard her mumble.

"Well lets see shall we?" getting up off my chair and walks towards the door and started walking to their family's house when we heard screaming.

I looked around to looked at there faces and saw they have paled but still gave me a nod to say i could go in, so i carried on and heard more screams for help frowning and went to the room the noise's came from just when i opened the door i heard her voice.

"Shut up!" thats when i knew it was her in the room with the one who was screaming, opening the door wide open and  i saw a little boy who was an omega tied up on the bed and her with a knife in her hands i let out a furious growl and jumped for her to only hear the little boy whimper and flinch away from the parents of the daughter who had done this to her.

'Orphaned Child' my wolf whispered to me which made the anger even worse, grabbing her by her throat and growled at her.

"How dare you touch a member of my pack let alone a pup!" i struggled to control my wolf it was hard especially when he wanted to kill her for man handling the little boy.

The Alpha And The Witch #Book 4Where stories live. Discover now