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Malia's POV

The moment I woke up and opened my eyes I knew something wasn't right and something was wrong, frowning at my window as I saw the sky was still pitch black with another colour merged into it not noticing what colour it was as my curtains hid it well.

Wondering what time it was as the darkness told me that it was still midnight as i looked over to my bed side table to see the clock that said it was 10:30 AM..

"What the hell?" I got out of bed and walked over to the window and saw what other colour that was merged into it and gasped in shock and for some reason i knew who did it instantly. 

Dark red like blood...

"What the hell has he done.." I whispers as I saw pictures in the sky.

I saw Scott as he walks over to a girl in the sky and then I saw him hiding something behind he's back frowning as i tried to see what it was but i couldn't with the direction that it showed.

"It's impossible to do that Scott" she says as she narrows her eyes at him.

"I just want to try" he shrugs he's shoulders as he steps forward towards her but I knew he was up to something especially as I looked closely into hes eyes.

"Dark magic is forbidden, plus you would not survive it at least not yourself anyway" she stated to him as she watched he's everyone as he came closer to her.

I watched the sky as they told me stories about what is happening which involves Scott.

"My dear Bethany" he shook he's head as he was close enough to her and something inside me knew what was going to happen.

"I knew you would say that and that is why..." I watched the knife drop from where he was hiding it up hes sleeve hiding it so she didn't see it.

"I got a second opinion" he sneered and then swung the knife I to her heart which killed her instantly.

I closed my eyes as I heard him laughing and then he began chanting words which made me frown confused about why he would be chanting and thats when I opened my eyes I gasp in shock.

I watched as the witches power started to enter Scott's body but then colour of her power showing what type of witch she is changed as it entered into hes power.

Yet again I looked away as he laugh started again but it changed like a evil laugh and it was something that wasn't him.

Turning around as the pictures disappeared and that's when I saw a women standing there looking at me.

"Who are you?" I are sled covering my stomach protecting my child as I had no clue who she was.

"I came because I need your help" her voice was like a melody.

"What do you need my help for?" I questioned this strange women that was in my room wondering what she wanted and also how she got into my house.

"As I showed you in the sky's, Scott has turned into a monster and he has lost himself forever" her sadness was overwhelming.

"What does that have to do with me?" I asked

"That boy is not Scott any more and nor will he ever be again, he is gone." I looked at her shocked and gave her a look that told her to continue.

"He is going to destroy everything that I have lived for, for so many year and I refuse for that to happen" I frowned not understanding what that had meant.

"What do you mean and who are you?" I asked her.

"All my wolves are going to die" my eyes widened in shock and sleds if saw the real her and instantly knew who she was.

"The moon goddess" I whispers not knowing what else to do.

"I go by many names my child and that is one of them" she smiles at me.

"What do you want from me?" I asked her.

"You need to fight the darkness that has took over Scott's body" she stated answering my question.

"I can't do it" I spoke out loud making her frown at me.

"I don't understand" she says.

"I'm pregnant, I can't risk my child out there" explaining to her why I couldn't do it like she wanted me to do as I finished she smiles whilst looking down at my stomach.

" I understand but that will not change my mind, you are destined to protect my wolves and the people you love" she steps forward which made me step back.

"What do you mean destined?" I asked her yet again confused.

"Child have you forgotten already?" She raised her eyes brow waiting for me to tell her that I understood what she meant but I really didn't.

"What have I forgotten?" I asked her

"What you was told when you descended" I frowns confused and then it was like a switch and then I remembered.

"How did I forget that?" I asked her.

"The boy really made you forget alot of your memories" she said sadly.

"Can you fix it, make me remember?" I asked her hopeful that she could but as she looks at me I knew it wasn't possible.

"I'm sorry but I can't undo what he has done, hes done too much damage what your grandmother had done shouldn't have happened she must have been a very powerful witch" she says softly and gave me a sad smile and as she told me it had just made me angry at Scott for what he had done to me and what he had taken away from me.

I knew what I have to do so I looked at her.

"I will do it as long as my baby is safe" I said to her as I placed a hand on my flat stomach wanting to protect him or her with everything in my bones.

"I'm will protect the child" she smiles as her eyes twinkles like she knew something I didn't and didn't know why but it comforted me that my child will be protected by the moon goddess herself.

"What do I have to do" I asked as I stepped forward ready for what is to come she smiled at me and then we began to make plan of ways to destroy the darkness.


A example of what the moon goddess looks like 

The Alpha And The Witch #Book 4Where stories live. Discover now