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Malia's POV

To say i was angry was a understatement i was furious.

'How dare he command me!'  i screamed as i took everything i had on fighting.

'Lets make him regret it after were finished here we still have a job to do'  my wolf says to me making me snap out of it.

Rogues came from different directions making me confused about how many there was.

'Where the hell is the other pack?!' i thought to myself.

Sapphire took over and protected us better as i was still new to fighting in wolf form.

'Who's the hyper active spaz now' she says making me imagine her smirking at me.

'Cocky' i mumbled to her which made her chuckle.

'So where is this darkness?' asking her confused as i couldn't find him anywhere that i looked.

'Everywhere' she whispers to me making me look around again.

'What are we going to do when we found him?' i asked her.

'I have no idea' she says.

'Great' rolling my eyes at her bluntness.

Walking around trying to find Scott but had no idea where he was.

'Moon drift are here'  Cam tells the rest of the pack.

'Bout time'  Troy muttered obviously annoyed that it took them so long to get here and just then as i was distracted i was tackled to the ground making me whimper as i heard a crack coming from my ribs.

I looked up and then i saw who it was just like me a hybrid of both wolf and witch but we was different and you could tell as he was a dark black colour whilst i was a lighter blue colour showing others what type of practice we use.

Power of light...

Power of darkness...

Growling at him caused him to lunge at me being reckless and made me have a advantage of him as i got a bite into hes neck making him growl in pain and tries to shake me off.

As i let him go i turned and looked deep into hes eyes but i didn't find anything just emptiness.

Once again he lunges at me as i wasn't ready and i closed my eyes getting ready for the em pack but then i felt nothing opening my eyes as i saw another wolf had taking over and was now fighting him, taking a good look at him and saw that he must have been from the other pack.

Taking this as my advantage i focused onto the back wolf and casted a spell so i knew where he would be so i didn't loose him again and as i finished i used air and pushed so much out that i made him go flying into a tree.

'Oops...' i says just as Sapphire says.

'Ouch' making us chuckle and when we looked we noticed that he was gone.

'Dammit'  i growled and then started to run after him by using the spell.


'Hey Lea'  i heard Chase whisper to me and suddenly the guilt got to me.


'I have a plan' he stated to me but i could tell by hes voice that he was upset with me and i couldn't help but understand why i mean thinking that the closest thing you had to a sister died by the hands of your twin brother and then find out that in the end she wasn't.

It would change you...

'What is it?'  i asked him

'Were going to use me to lead him away from the fight and then im going to talk to him'  he says telling me hes plan but i couldn't help but frown as i thought about it.

'Is that it?'  i asked him.

'Your going to do a spell to bring my brother back into hes body for the time being enough for him to tell that its me'  he continues telling me the rest of the plan.

'And then what?'  i questioned knowing that he wasn't telling me something.

'I'm going to kill him.'  he says without any problem which told me that he wasn't joking around, little did i know that doing something like this would change my life forever...


'Will the spell even work?'  i asked Sapphire unsure that it would

'We have to try something, its worth trying rather than giving up on everything without trying' she tells me 

'For the pack' i says to her hoping she understood what i meant.

'For the pack' she grins at me and wags her tail.

This is how i had gotten the strength to cast a spell that could only last for a few minutes.

The rogues were all wiped out which only left one person.


I saw a figure step forward out of the shadows and i knew who it was. as i shifted into my human form i stood and watched what was about to happen before me waiting for Chase's commands as when he tries me when.

'Be careful'  i heard my mates voice in my head as i let him back in.

'You too' i whispers and then blocks him back out.

"Brother" the darkness spoke out to Chase.

Just as Chase stepped out of the woods causing the darkness to smirk like he had won.

"I'm not your brother" Chase growled out angry.

'Now'  Chase whispered to me telling me to start casting the spell.

Lifting my arms and closed my eyes as i started to chant and that's when i knew it wasn't working because it was taking too long for it to finish.

Frowning confused as i thought it would work and i couldn't understand why it didn't.

"You stopped being my brother the moment you stole my alpha's mate and killed her" Chase snarled at him and he lunged for hes brother as they started to fight i tried to do the spell again for only it to not work again.

All up til now has worked that was until now...

'It's not working Chase'  i told him and that's when i felt a tap on my shoulder i turned and couldn't understand what would want until then i saw who it was and they gave me a sad smile telling me it was ok and they would help like they heard our conversation all this time as Chase told me hes plan.


Scott and Chase are in the picture 

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