Chapter 1

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Nick's POV: 

I took the boys swimming at this really secluded lake this morning. 

It was really good to see everyone smiling and laughing. 

I haven't seen Xander smile since he came to me about two months ago. 

We were all having a great time when we heard a scream. 

Everyone's head snapped in that direction. 

There was a man shoving someones head under water. 

He let her up for  second to scream at them.

"This is your punishment. You must pay for your sins!"

"Boys stay here!" 

I started to swim over to them as fast as I could. 

"To hell with that!" I heard one of them yell behind me. 

They all started to swim too. 

I can't deal with them right now. 

I just kept swimming. 

"You always disobey! My rules aren't that hard to follow you're just stupid!" 

"I quickly hopped up on the deck and surprised him from behind. 

I punched him in the face knocking him out and then I jumped in the save the still struggling who I now see is a young girl. 

I jumped in and pulled her up. 

She couched up water and then was gasping for air. 

That man started to wake up. 

I pulled her to shore and the boys were already there. 

"Take her away from here and call 911!" I yelled handing her to Ace the oldest. 

As soon as they were out of sight I went over to the man and punched him again. 

I punched him a few more times out of anger, which I knew I shouldn't have. 

"Bring her back here. She needs to die!" 

I punched him again and he passed out again. 

Not long after I heard the sirens. 

Police came and took him away. 

"The girl probably needs medical attention." 

"Where is she?" They asked. 

"I told my boys to get her away from him. I'll call Ace." 

"Nick! She's hyperventilating and covered in blood!" He said panicked. 

"Hey Calm down. Stop doing that!" I heard in the background.

"Where are you guys?" I asked trying to be calm. 

"Straight across the lake." 

"On our way." 

I rode with them in the ambulance. 

She was bleeding a lot. 

Mostly from her back. 

It looked like she had been whipped. 


What happened to this kid. 

They let me ride with her in the ambulance. 

When we got to the hospital they rushed her away. 

I couldn't go back with her.

Hours later I saw my kids social worker. 

"Andrea what are you doing here?" I asked. 

"I could ask you the same thing." 

"There was a girl getting drowned by a man in a lake." 

"I'm actually here for that girl. Did the police get your statement?" 

"No not yet." 

"Ok I'm gonna go talk to her, but she's going to need a foster home unless we can find a relative. Any chance you'd like to take her?" 

"I'll have to ask the boys, but I'm sure it'll be fine. Do you think she'll be ok with a house full of boys though?" 

"I know you Mr. Martin and you're the best foster family I've worked with I think she'll be just fine." 

"I'll head home for a bit to talk to the boys and then come back." 

"Ok sounds good."

When I got home everyone was in the living room sitting in silence. 

"Ok boys family meeting." 

Everyone just looked at me. 

Not saying anything. 

"How are you guys doing?" I asked.

"How's the girl?" Zero asked.

"She'll be ok, but right now I wanna hear how you guys are doing."

"Why was that man doing that?" Arlo asked.

"She was so tiny, but there was so much blood." Ace said.

I don't know if this is a good idea. They seem pretty traumatized by this, but I don't want her to go somewhere bad.

"Ok that girl from the lake is most likely going into a foster home. I was asked to take her. How does everyone feel about that. It's completely up to you. We've been a house full of boys for a few years now and it's totally ok if you want to keep it that way." 

No one spoke for a solid minute. 

I was about to say something when Ace spoke up. 

"I think we should take her." 

"If we take her will everyone stop calling me newbie?" Xander asked.

"Probably not." Arlo said with a smile.

"I vote yes." Zero said. 

"Me too." Arlo said.

"Ok then I'm going to go back to the hospital and see what her injuries are and what needs to happen. I will say we're gonna have to rearrange rooms. Split you boys up into two rooms rather than the three. She's a girl and can't be sharing a room with boys." 

"Oh come on. Can I change my vote?" Xander said.

"Nope you're still out voted. Although that does suck." 

"You'll be fine it's me losing having my own room." Ace said. 


"Alright bye boys. Ace don't move your stuff quite yet. We don't know for sure this is happening." 

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