Chapter 21

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Maisy's POV: 

I was walking to the bathroom when I saw River walking towards me with a sickening smile. 

I turned around and quickened my pace. 

I looked behind and saw him running. 

I ran as fast as I could, but he was too fast. 

He grabbed me by the harm. 

I tried tugging my arm away from him, but he just tightened his grip. 

I don't want to be near him. 

I can't do it again. 

He pulled me into the mens bathroom. 

Shoved me against the wall in one of the stalls. 

A whimper left my mouth and he told me to make more sounds. 

I don't want to hurt anymore. 

I tried to get his hands off me. 

I really did. 

But he was too strong. They're always too strong. 

He slapped me and I fell to the ground. 

I curled up into a ball. 

"Oh come on. I'll only make it hurt worse if you don't corporate." He said. 

I don't want to hurt anymore.

I just want the pain to end.  

I started screaming for help. 

I need to get out of here. 

I don't want to be here anymore. 

Someone please help me. 


"You little bitch! Shut up!" He started kicking me. 

Someone busted through the door to the stall and River was pulled away from me. 

I saw the one who pulled him away was Emmett. 

I was lifted up by someone. 

My tears filling my eyes too much to see. 

"Shhhh Bean..I got you. I told you I wouldn't let anything happen. Let's find your brothers."

It was Ezra. 

"Ezra Make the pain stop! Please I don't want to hurt anymore!" 

"Where do you hurt?" he asked. 

"The memories play over and over again! I just want them to stop..." 

Ezra's POV: 

Emmett and I were skipping class

When we heard screaming from the mens bathroom Emmett and I ran in there. 

When I saw Bean curled up on the ground I freaked. 

So did Emmett. 

He pulled River away and got punched. 

He was hardly effected. 

I went to Bean and picked her up. 

"Shhhh Bean..I got you. I told you I wouldn't let anything happen. Let's find your brothers." I said to her. 

"Ezra Make the pain stop! Please I don't want to hurt anymore!" My heart shattered. 

"Where do you hurt?" I asked. 

 "The memories play over and over again! I just want them to stop..." 

The fact that the pain she's talking about is mental hurts even more for some reason. 

"I've got you Bean. I won't let more happen ok? None of us will." 

I  sat down in the hall with her between my legs again and just held her as she sobbed. 

"I'm gonna call Zero ok?" 

She didn't respond. 

I took out my phone and dialed his number. 

"Hey what's up?" 

"Come out to the hall of the first floor." 

"What happened? Is that Bean crying?" 

"Yes. Hurry." 

"I'm on my way." 

"Zero is on his way ok?" 

A/N- Ok what do you guys think about the chapter? And what's your favorite day of the week? And how are you guys feeling about the direction that the book is taking? 

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