Chapter 11

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Nick's POV: 

"How are you doing after today kiddo?" 

No response. 

"I know Xander can get scary sometimes." 


"So I heard you were talking with Garren today. Was it nice to feel heard again?" 


I sighed.

"Kiddo when Garren comes we're gonna ask some hard questions. I would really like it if you answered the questions and told us your name." 

She just looked down. 

"Garren is here." Drew popped his head in. 

We were all gathered around the dining room table with Garren across from Kiddo. 

She looked really overwhelmed. 

"I think everyone but Garren, Zero, Drew, and I need to leave. Especially you Xander. Why don't you guys get a start on homework." I told them. 

They all left with a huff. 

"OK kiddo I'm gonna ask some hard questions and like I said it'd be really great if you would answer. We can take a break whenever you need." 

Nothing. This probably isn't gonna work. 

"Ok did you have a Mom growing up?" 

She nodded. 

"Did she hit you too?"

She actually started to say something in Sign Language. 

"She said her Mom would stop the hitting when she could." Garren said. 

"Where is she now?" 

She looked down and did a single hand movement. 

"She said she's dead." 

I rubbed my hand over my face. 

"How did she die?" 


"Was she ever mean to you?" 

She shook her head. 

It's clear there are some questions that are off limits.

"Did you ever try to get away from your Dad?" I asked. 

"She said she tried to run twice, but they didn't work out very well." 

"What happened?" 

She was noticeably more panicked. 

"She doesn't wanna talk about it." Garren said. 

"Remember how I said that I needed you to answer some hard questions? These are the hard questions." 

There was a pause, but she shakily started signing. 

"She said she had to be punished because she was bad." 

"What was the punishment?" I asked. 

There was another pause. 

"She says that you saw most of it." 

"Him drowning you was a punishment?" Drew interjected. 

"What about all of the blood?" Zero asked. 

She was starting to panic.

"I think we should take a break." Garren said. 

For the rest of the night we didn't ask questions. She was unresponsive about everything. 

She wouldn't eat dinner or even drink anything. 

When I walked past her room I saw her just sitting on her bed staring at the wall. 

I think I we took it too far today. 

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