Chapter 35

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✨3 days since when they found out about court.✨ 

Nick's POV: 

I set up a meeting with Andrea and the prosecutor for today. 

I just have to figure out how to get Maisy to be comfortable enough to go and speak. 

"Hey Maisy can I talk to you?" 

"Ok." She said. 

She's been avoiding me the last three days. 

"So today we have to go talk with the prosecutor. they're in their discovery phase, so he'll ask you lots of really hard answers and it's really important to answer them."

"I went from never seeing anyone, but my mean dad for years. Then I came here and I meet new people all the time. I'm tired. I don't want to meet more people." 

I took a second to gather my thoughts so I was responding rather than reacting. 

This is the first time she's talked about her feelings while being relatively calm. 

"I will be there every minute and the second you need a break, you just let me know. If it were up to me you wouldn't go at all, but unfortunately it's not up to me." 

 "Can the others come?" 

"Yep everyones coming, but they won't be able to be in the room with us when they're asking questions." 

She nodded. 

"Why don't you go get ready." 

She went upstairs.

"This is fucking stupid. Why do they feel it's ok to re-traumatize her and make her go through everything bad that's ever happened to her." Zero said and walked off. 

"Zero come back." 

He flipped me off and continued up the stairs. 

I saw him go into Maisy's room. 

I think they're more worried about what this is going to do to Maisy than having to testify themselves. 

The drive to the meeting was silent. 

A few hushed words of encouragement to a freaking out Bean was it. 

Everyone in the house is mad at me for making her do this. 

I wish it were up to me. 

But I can hold their anger. 

It means they're comfortable enough to be mad at me. 

When we got there they were waiting for us. 

"Hello, my name is John, I'll be asking most of the questions today and hopefully I can answer any questions you may have." 

"I'm Nick, these are my kids, Maisy, Xander, Ace, Arlo, and Zero." 

"Nice to meet you all, I wish it were under better circumstances." 

"Whatever fuckface." Xander spat. 

"Xander, that's not nice..." Maisy whispered, while still holding onto the hem of his shirt, and putting herself more behind him.

"Well who wants to go first?" 

"I will." Xander said. 

I went with each. of the boys into a cozy room where we were asked about that day. 

"Bean was screaming for help while her dad was drowning her. He was spewing some shit about her sinning and needing to be punished." 

"She was covered in so much blood. It got all over me. I had a panic attack from that." 

"We tried to get her to calm down, but she wouldn't. It was hard to see." 

"Maisy was so scared it made me feel sick." 

"While we were running to the other side of the lake she was thrashing in my arms, I was covered in her blood."

Those were some of the things the boys said in their interview. 

He just called Maisy in. 

"So Maisy, as I said before my name is John. I'm gonna ask some really hard questions, but it's all to help make your father go away for a really long time. Think you can answer my questions?" 


"Kiddo, remember what we talked about? We really need you to answer these questions." I said. 


She sat there trying not to panic. 

"Maisy your testimony is the only thing that'll make sure he doesn't get out of jail." 


"One second." I said and peeked my head out the door. 

"Xander come here." I called. 

He came over and I explained the situation to him. 

He came over to Maisy and knelt down by her. 

"Bug listen, this is your time. This is the time to tell your truth, don't worry about what they'll think, just answer these idiots questions and we'll get out of here. Tell them the most greusome shit he did to you. Make them feel sick to their stomachs because what he did to you doesn't deserve to die with you or him. Tell the world and make that fucker get life in prison." She gave him a thumbs up. 

"My work here is done." He said and walked out. 

"There was never not violence in our home. Not that I can remember. Mom told me he used to be nice, but it was all a trick." 

"When was the first time he hit you?" 

"He never just hit me. He beat me even while I was a baby. Mom would find me covered in bruises and hysterical. But I was 9 before he started to bring "toys" home. As soon as Mom died he started getting worse. He would make me bark like a dog, eat dog food, he even made me sleep outside some nights." 

"Did you ever try to run." 

"I wasn't finished. I'm only sharing what I want to tell you and that's it. He would stand behind me with a whip and make me do math problems. He would get drunk and take a knife and carve into me. I have whore written on my back from when he would rape me." 

She was in tears but held a cold face. 

She was listing off all of these things and wouldn't go into any more detail then she had stated. 

After an hour she said. "I'm done for today, talk to Nick if you want to hear more." And then she got up and walked out. 

Good for her. 

"We weren't done." He said to me. 

"Reach out if you need to schedule more." 

A/N- Sorry if this is sloppy and not good. I feel like I keep saying/doing this where I just throw together a chapter to get something written, but I want you guys to have more and I want to write more. I hope this chapter was at least ok. Please message or comment with ideas, cause I am ✨Struggling✨ 


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