Chapter 6

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Nick's POV: 

Drew just pulled up and I know for a fact one suitcase is full of gifts for the boys. 

I hope he brought something for Kiddo.

Anything really. 

I just want her to feel included. 

"Boy's come on down Drew's here." I called out. 

Kiddo was in the kitchen reading. 

Something I've noticed she does is writes on the books. 

I don't really mind, but it's kind of weird. 

Arlo opened the door before Drew could.

"Hey Drew!" Arlo said excitedly.

"Arlo my boy! Come give your uncle a hug." 

After a quick hug. 

"Ok group hug!" 

"I don't do hugs." Xander said. 

"You did when you were 13.." Drew pouted. 

Xander has been in and out of my care for years now. 

"What's your name?" He asked Kiddo.

"We don't know. She doesn't talk much." 

"You mean at all." Xander said.

"Xander, be nice." I said. 

"Well it is nice to meet you. I hope I learn your name soon." Drew said with a smile. 

"I'm starved, Nick what's for breakfast?" 

"It's 1PM."

"Then what's for lunch?" 

"I don't know probably sandwiches." 

"Boring. You should make your mac 'n cheese." 

"Maybe for dinner, sandwiches are just fine." 

"I suppose." 


Everyone but Drew and I was asleep. 

"Ok so what's the deal with that kid?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"You don't even know her name, she flinches, you said she doesn't talk, and she has night terrors?"

"And I'm the one who found her. Her Father was trying to drown her in a lake when the boys and I were swimming." 

"What the fuck?" 

"Yeah he was saying stuff about how she sinned and this was her punishment." 

"And the boys saw all of this?" 

"Yeah, I had to hand her over to Ace to get her away from her Father." 

"Are the boys ok?" 

"I don't think they've had time to process it yet." 

"Well make sure they do." 

"I know." 

All of a sudden I heard her screaming. 

"Dammit I was hoping she'd sleep through the night." I said jumping up. 

When I got up there Zero was already in there. 

"Shhh...It's ok..You're safe now." 

"Get off of me!! Get off!! Don't do that!!!" 

She was still asleep.

She was having a nightmare. 


She was reliving a memory. 

"Please!! Stop!! I won't do it again!!" 

Zero was sitting behind her. 

Just holding her. 

He used to have a sister. 

She was younger and because of neglect she died. 

He carries so much guilt about that.

She woke up with a start. 

She started having a hard time breathing. 

It looked like she was trying to rub something off of her. 

Zero grabbed her hands and gave her a hug. 

After a few minutes she started to calm down. 

"Nick can you get some water?" 

"Uh..Yeah, are you good here?" 

"Yeah I'm good." 


I went to get her water and when I stepped out into the hall I everyone was sitting on the ground lined up against the wall. 

"Go back to bed guys. She's ok." 

They all went to their rooms. 

I went downstairs and came back with the water. 

She was clung onto Zero like her life depended on it. 

"I'm sorry that happened to you. It's over now and no one will hurt you again." 

Did she tell him something?

I set the water on her nightstand and went back downstairs. 

About 15 minutes later I hear people stumbling around upstairs. 

I went up when I finished cleaning up and explaining to Drew what all that was. 

When I got up there i peaked in Kiddo's room and saw all of the boys on the ground sleeping. 

She was still in Zero's arms, but everyone was asleep. 

I definitely took a picture.  

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