Chapter 7

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Nick's POV:

The next morning Zero came down with Kiddo and the boys soon followed. 

"I need Ibuprofen, sleeping on the floor killed my back." I heard Xander say.

"Shh! Don't let Nick hear you." Arlo whisper yelled. 

"I already know and I got a picture!" I called out. 

"Do you wanna try some orange juice?" Zero asked. 

She nodded. 

This is the first time she responded to someone else.  

She took a sip of the juice and make a disgusted face. 

Zero and Ace saw and laughed. 

She went to drink more. I think she felt obligated to. 

"Wait, you don't need to drink it if you don't like it." Ace said still chuckling. 

Again she looked to Zero. 

I think I'm feeling a little jealous of how close they got in one night. 

"So why did you guys sleep in Kiddo's" I asked. 

"To protect her." Ace said all nonchalant. 

"That's adorable." Drew said walking in. 

Kiddo was on the last few pages of the book she started yesterday.

That kid can read. 

"Kiddo wanna go to the bookstore and pick out some more books?" 

She looked up and then at Zero kinda asking if it was ok I think.

"It's up to you. You can go if you want to." He said.

She nodded. 

"Perfect does anyone wanna come?" I asked. 

She tugged on his shirt. 

He sighed. 

"I'll come." Zero said. 

"Me too." Said Ace. 

"Well if you guys are I wanna come." Arlo said. 

"Yeah." Even Xander is gonna come. 

"Well I don't wanna be alone." Drew said. 

"Alright full house to the bookstore." 

We all piled into the care and we were off. 

When we got to the bookstore she was looking all around. I think she was astounded by all of the books. 

"Ok Kiddo you can pick out however many books you want." I will admit I am a trust fund baby. 

That's how I can afford all of these kids.

About ten minutes later she walks up to me with one book in her hands. 

She signed please

I don't know much sign language, but I know some of the basics like please and thank you's. Like the baby signs. 

"Wait do you know sign language?" 

She nodded. 

"Are you fluent?" 

She nodded. 

"That's amazing. Yes you can get that book. Why don't you go pick out at least a few more." 

A/N- If it's italicized  that means it's in sign language. 

I walked over to the language section of the store and I found a few books on sign language. 

If she knows sign language this could be a game changer. 

I will say the fact that her knowing another language is honestly a bit surprising.

After a few more times convincing her that she can pick out more books and then Zero saying it's ok she picked out three more. 

On the way home she had already starting reading. 

"So Kiddo here knows sign language. I was thinking we could all at least learn some basic signs." I said. 

"Really she does?" Drew said.

"Yeah and I figured it would be good to at least have one way of communicating." 

A/N-What are you thinking of the story so far? I'd love to listen to any and all feedback and if you have something you'd like to see I am more than open to ideas. 

-Luna :) 

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