Chapter 29

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River's POV: 

I've been having fun with some other girls lately, but I can't get my mute chick off my mind. 

She has her fucking bodyguards with her at all times. 

So fucking obnoxious. 

I'll get her alone though. 

I think I like the challenge. 

I was on disciplinary probation, so I held off until now. 

 She's mine. 

I'm not holding any punches. 

She's gonna pay for their mistakes big time. 

She was in the hall with that Arlo kid. 

He's not a threat. 

"Bean let's go." He said seeing me coming. 

I was walking straight at him so he knew I was after them. 

The halls were empty. 

I grabbed her arm and punched him to the ground. 

His face was a bloody mess. 

She screamed. 

Then she tried to go to him. 

Like I'd let that happen. 

I pulled arm hard.

"Come on now. Don't make this worse for yourself." 

I pulled her into the locker room and shoved her to the ground on one of the showers. 

She hit her head pretty hard. 

I turned it all the way cold. 

Emmett's POV: 

Ace, Ezra, and I were talking waiting for the others to get here so we could leave, but Arlo runs up all bloody. 

Ace is hyper protective of Arlo. 

"What happ-" 

"River has Bean!" Arlo interrupted Ace.

"Ace stay here with Arlo."

"No we're coming." Arlo said. 

"You two could get taken away again." I said running down the hall. 

"Where did they go?" 

"I don't know I couldn't see anything." 

We were running the halls trying to find her. 

Checking classrooms. 

No one was here. 

We're trying to call Nick, Xander, Zero literally anyone. 

Drew was the only one to pick up. 

"Wait what do you mean Bean is with River?"

"That's what I fucking mean! I can't get ahold of anyone else!! Keep calling for us please!" 

"Yeah ok just find her and update me as you can." 

Finally we heard screaming. 

It was coming from the mens locker room. 

"You go get Bean out of there, I'll deal with him." I said. 

"No Bean won't want me, she'll want you." 

"Stop arguing and let's go get her!" 

We busted through the doors and I saw him. 

On top of her. 

She was kicking and screaming. 

He was just hitting her trying to gain control of her.

"Get off!" She screamed a blood curdling scream. 

Before I could get to them, she bit him. 

"Bitch!" He screamed and started hitting her to get her to let go, but she didn't. 

I tackled him to the ground. 

"Get off! Get off!" I heard her scream and still fighting Ezra. 

"Bean it's me, you're safe." He held her close to him. 

"H-He he was, he was g-" 

"I know." 

"Get her out. Please." 

His fingers were bleeding from where she bit him. 

Good job Bean.

"Call an ambulance! You idiot!" 


 "I'm gonna have her put into Juvie!! You really think the foster system cares about one little girl? I'm royalty in the corporate world." 

"Nick cares, and I care." 

I punched him in the nose.

"You really think that makes a difference?!? You really are an idiot!" 

"Nick will make sure nothing legally happens to her, and I'll physically make sure nothing happens to her. Even if that means I have to cut off your dick and feed it to you." 

Ezra's POV: 

She was soaking wet. 

And freezing cold. 

And covered in blood. 

She was shaking. 

"I-I still have his blood in mouth."

She leaned over and puked. 

I held her hair back and rubbed her back. 

She came and hugged me. 

We just sat there for a good 10 minutes while she was calming down. 

Nick finally called back. 

"I'm on my way did you find her?!?" 

"Yeah Bean's with me. I see the guys coming running down to us too." 

"Maisy..." She whispered. 


"You're with me. I'm Maisy." 

"I stand corrected I'm with Maisy."

A/N- Ok so I know a really dark chapter, but I didn't know what else to write. 

I've rewritten this chapter like 3 times and it's just not gonna get better, so I hope you at least kind of enjoyed it.

-Emmett :) 

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