part 14

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Waking up I noticed that I was back in the hunters dream, so I looked around until I saw doll sitting down. I walked up to her and she noticed me.

Doll: Welcome back good hunter.

Y/N: Hello doll, I'm sorry I wont be here for long.

Doll: I understand good hunter, we'll meet again.

I gave her a smile and left and found myself back at the inn, and I made my way back to the entrance of the world tree. When I got to the tree I saw Leafa leave.

Y/N: Where did Leafa go?

kirito: Y/N? Never mind I need to go for a bit I'll be back on later.

Y/N: Fine, I'll wait. But hurry back I want to get Asuna back from the fucking idiot.

Kirito logged out and Yui was the only on there, but she had a sad look on her face.

Y/N: What's wrong Yui?

Yui: I saw what happened to you and how you just turned to dust, and all that was left was blood. I thought I'd never see you again.

Y/N: I'm sorry, you shouldn't have seen that. But I'll always be fine no matter what happens.

See went and hugged me in her pixie form and I hugged without crushing her then Kirito returned, but without a word he left then Leafa came back and left to never seeing me.

Y/N: I guess we'll wait.

Yui: Okay.

After a few hours they came back and when Leafa saw me her eyes were wide. Next thing I knew Leafa was in front of me.

Leafa: What ever happened to you wasn't normal, its not even a feature in the game. Also how are you alive I heard from Kirito that you died in Sao.

Y/N: Well a lots happened come on lets see about getting to the top.

Recon: W- What's going on?

Leafa: We're raiding the world tree... Him, him, you, and me the four of us.

Recon: A- All right... Wait. What?!

Y/N: Alright, Yui come on.

Yui: Yes uncle?

Y/N: Why are you on my head?

Yui: Its soft.

Kirito: Yui, did you learn anything from our fight with the guardians?

Yui: Their individual stats aren't very high, but their are to many. I have to assume the completion of this quest was never meant to be possible.

Kirito: So, together they all add up to a single unbeatable boss?

Yui: However, with both daddy's and uncles skills it should be possible to get through with speed.

Kirito: Im sorry to ask, but could you help us with our problem again? Somehow, I feel like we dont have much time left.

Leafa: I'll do whatever I can. And so will he.

Recon: Well, Leafa and I are always together.

Not even a second later Leafa smacked Recon on the back of his head.

Leafa: Don't be stupid.

Recon: I'm sorry...

Then Leafa put her hand in the air in front of us then Recon did the same, then Kirito and they all looked at me. I just sighed then walked up putting my hand on top of Kirito's. Yui flew off my head and on top of my hand.

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