Second Arc Part 10

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It's been two months since the end of the death game, and I've been stuck in the hunters dream with doll and Gehrman. They told me about Yharnam and the creatures there unfortunately I was never able to find a way to get there so I was stuck in hunters dream even Gehrman was confused. I have also been practicing with the saw cleaver, but I also have looked at other weapons (vote for a new weapon) and I might have found something, but for now I'll stick with the saw cleaver for now.

Doll: Hello good hunter.

Y/N: Ah Doll, hello do you need anything?

Doll: Please follow me good hunter Gehrman has requested you.

I gave a nod and I followed her towards the workshop I noticed that Gehrman was in front of a headstone with some messengers.

Gehrman: Ah hunter it's good to see you.

Y/N: Hello Gehrman, so what's happening here?

Gehrman: It seems that a new area has opened at this tombstone.

Y/N: Really? Interesting I'll get prepared then.

Walking towards the workshop I looked around for what I would need, blood vials, saw cleaver, and my hat. Before putting on my hat I looked at it thinking about my time in sao giving a silent chuckle as I put my hat on, and made my way back to the headstone. Once I got there I walked up to the headstone I got on one knee and put my hand out, and was engulfed by a white bright light.

Doll: Good luck good hunter.

I opened my eyes to see it was night time and it looks like I was above a forest...

Wait a minute... above...


I was falling but I noticed something in red then another two beside the first red, and I noticed that there are bright red things on their backs in front of them I also see bright green wings. I angled myself towards the red on the left side then I slammed into him while I broke some bones in me. I saw that there was a flame above me and the body was gone so I was a bit confused, but I didn't have time to think about it and I quickly chugged a blood vial down. When I stood up everyone was staring at me and as I was going to say something until we heard screaming then someone else hit the ground closer to the girl with the green wings.

???: Damn I gotta work on those landings.

Y/N: Well it's official it's raining men.

???: You both should leave now.

???: Well I can't leave when it's a three vs one.

Y/N: Actually I'm not with them I kinda just crashed.

???: W-wait U-U/N?

Y/N: That's my name or Y/N, and who are you?

???: Lets get introductions after we defeat these salamanders.

Y/N: Well I already killed this guy wanna get the others?

???: Sure I can get some practice in.

The guy dressed in black immediately rushed killing one salamander while the other flew away after that the blonde haired girl was now glaring at us with her sword drawn.

Y/N: Hey now is that how you treat your knight's in shining armor?

???: Fine thanks for your help, and the name is Leafa.

Y/N: As you heard my name is U/N or Y/N.

???: And my name is Kir-

???: Uncle U/N!

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