Part 6

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Dragging Kirito from the ground I met up with Asuna as well as a sword in my face, and their was some guy sitting in a chair shaking like a crazy in the chair behind Asuna so I decided to ignore him and handed Kirito to Asuna.

U/N: Here's your boyfriend, now I'm not going to ask what was going through his head when he tried that.

Asuna: Neither do I.

Kirito: I saw someone on the roof in a cloak, I thought I could make that jump.

???: That robe was Griselda's. It was Griselda' ghost... she came back to get revenge on us! Think about it only a ghost can PK someone in a safe zone hahaha.

Kirito: That wasn't a ghost. Someone is using the system to kill that's the only way the murderers can happen in a safe zone I know it!

U/N: Alright how about you two take a break and get something to eat I'll see if I can find something, and we'll just leave the crazy guy here.

As they both gave a nod and left I walked over to the guy who was just laughing to himself, but when he saw my boots he stopped and looked up at me.

U/N: By any chance does Griselda have a grave somewhere?

Time skip

After a bit of "persuading" he lead me to Griselda's grave, but I silently left him to see what would happen. He walked up to a tombstone and fell to his knees I couldn't he what he was saying, but then he looked around as if he heard something. I then saw someone got in front of him, but they were wearing a cloak, and then someone else who also wearing a cloak showed up a bit of time has passed until they pulled down their hoods I recognized the girl who was Yolko, but I never met the other guy until it clicked he was Kains the guy who "died" at the tower. This just got more interesting, so I decided to get closer to where I could hear them, but I wish I just stayed back.

Kains: Yes its us you idiot.

???: Ooh, so where are we on the whole orphan blood thing? Are we talking heads or litres?

Kains: For the love of- we're not ghosts!

Yolko: We faked our deaths!

Kains: Seriously, Schmitt? How many people would you have killed if we'd asked you to?

Schmitt: Thaaaat's not important.


That was when Schmitt was hit with a dagger in his shoulder and fell not getting up, so I assumed he was paralyzed. I then heard laughter and looked towards the source to find someone with a cloak covering their head.

???: One down!

???2: That's a hell of a catch, a big shot from the holy dragon alliance.

Schmitt: Laughing coffin the murder guild.

???2: What game should we play with these three?

???: Oh I know I know, let's play the one where they have to kill each other. Last one standing wins!

???2: I know it's your favorite, but last time we did that you killed the winner anyway.

???: Oh come on you spoiled it, it's no fun if they know their going to die.

U/N: Let's play the game where everyone can live, and I don't have to decapitate you three.

???: Ooh someone new let's kill him.

???2: No he's the famous hunter of sao, let's not start a fight if he's letting us leave.

As they were going to leave we all suddenly heard a horse heading towards our direction Only for it to stop and Kirito fell off, and once he stood up he got the horse to go back from wherever he took it from.

Kirito: So now what, I got thirty players from the assault team coming. You guys wanna stay and fight them?

U/N: Oh Kirito I kinda got things wrapped up here.

Kirito: Huh U/N? How are you already here?

U/N: First off you three were leaving.

They walked away knowing that if they stayed they would die.

U/N: Secondly I'm playing detective right now, so I should be ahead of my rookie here.

Kirito: Who's the rookie?

U/N: The kid who fell of the horse, anyway let's get back on track.

Yolko: you won't believe me, but once it was over I was going to tell you the truth, I am sorry I had to trick you to help us out.

Schmitt: U/N and Kirito thank you for saving me, but how did you figure it out? How did you know those three would attack us here?

U/N: Huh must of forgot I followed you, but Kirito tell your side of the story... rookie.

Kirito: alright just stop calling me rookie. Yolko Kains level with me here, you asked Grimlock to make you the spear and the knife didn't you?

Yolko: We did but he was against our plan from the beginning. All he wanted was to let Griselda rest in peace.

Kains: He did forge the weapons for us, but only after we got down on our knees and begged him.

Kirito: Sorry but he had a different reason for not liking your plan Griselda had nothing to do with it. He was worried that faking pk's in a safe zone would cause attention, and he didn't want to take the risk of someone snooping around for answers.

Kirito was talking about how him and Asuna were talking about the storage space and then it was about marriage, and how many people Asuna married, but I sorta maybe lost it. Grabbing Kiritos jackets i swung him forwards and backwards while screaming.


Kirito: Wait what?

U/N: What? You should continue your story.

Kirito: Anyway.

He continued but I stopped listening because me being smart and totally cool and composed I figured it out.

Asuna: Found him.

Kirito: If you wanna know more you can ask him yourself.

Grimlock: Long time no see comrades.

Yolko: I cant believe it, did you really plan this? How could Grimlock answer me! Why did you kill Griselda? Was it the money was the money so important that you killed your own wife for it!

Grimlock: Did you say money. It wasn't for the money, I had to no matter what I had to kill her while we were stuck in this world. I had to kill her while she was still my wife, and because she was also my wife in the real world. In a way she was the perfect wife, ideal, so pretty. The whole time we were together we never had a single fight, but in this world she changed. In here I was the one afraid terrified of playing this death game, but she looked so much happier here, and more alive than she did in the real world.

I just tuned him out after that I didn't know how to feel I just wanted to kill him, but I didn't I waited until this was done until I heard my name being called.

Asuna: Now Y/N what was that about marriage?

U/N: Uh well you see...

Looking around for an out I noticed someone and I pointed to her.

U/N: What that.

Asuna: Huh?

And as I quickly but quietly walked away I gave the person a thumbs up for letting me get away until she dissapeared in front of me, and only then I realized it was the ghost of Griselda, and that's when Asuna noticed me.

Asuna: Hey get back here we are not done talking!

A/N: Tada let me now what you think of this part anyway I'll get started on the next part right away, have a great day or night.

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