Part 9

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Agil: "A blue demon that annihilated a whole squad of army guys, and a dual wielder, and a man who bleeds in the game took it out themselves." I can't believe their making a big deal out of this thing.

Kirito: Yeah its blown up right in my face. A ton of swordsmen and information brokers showed up at my place this morning, and now I need a new pad because they now where I live.

U/N: I got some people who are trying to poke holes in me because they don't believe it, and some want me to cut my hand its like they are toddlers seeing magic.

Lisbeth: Well its your own fault Kirito, you said it was going to be our little secret, but you went and let everyone in on it. And U/N you didn't know and I already punished you for getting hurt like that.

U/N: Everything is still sore.

We heard footsteps outside until Asuna was right outside the room we were in out of breath.

Asuna: What are we going to do Kirito? We got a big problem!

As Asuna explained the problem I was to sore to go so I just stayed, and Kirito left with Asuna.

Time skip

I was at the 22nd floor fishing because this is the most relaxing floor to be at, and also I won't be stabbed anymore I invited Lisbeth to join me, but she had to watch her shop so I was with some others fishing until some old guy started a conversation with me.

???: Is this your first time fishing here?

U/N: No I've been here a few times.

???: My name is Nishida.

U/N: Names U/N.

Nishida: So U/N I never see young people around here especially fishing.

U/N: I find it relaxing, and not a lot of people would be here. Their either at the floor of beginning or they are on the higher floors leveling up.

Nishida: Are you not a big fan of crowds?

U/N: I don't mind crowds its ju-

I then heard Asuna.

Asuna: It almost flew up my nose.

Turning around i saw Kirito with Asuna on his shoulders they said something to each other, and Nishida gave a wave but I noticed a glint on my sisters finger. Specifically her ring finger.

U/N: Hey Asuna whens the wedding!

They both blushed until Kirito ran off with Asuna on his shoulders as she gave a laugh.

Nishida: You know them?

U/N: Yeah the girl is my sister... oh damn it I forgot I gotta give them the talk.

He gave a chuckle as we continued fishing until it was late, and we said our goodbyes as I headed back to Lisbeth place.

Time skip

I left early to surprise Asuna and Kirito, and also give them the talk. The house they had wasn't that bad so I knocked on the door and waited, and then a little girl opened the door.

???: Hello.

U/N: Oh sorry I must have gotten the wrong house. I wonder why it says Asuna and Kirito are here?

???: You know mommy and daddy?

U/N: Say what?

Kirito: Yui who's at the door? Oh hey U/N.

U/N: You had a kid?! Now I can't give the talk.

Kirito: W-wait.

U/N: Wait a minute she looks older... Did you guys meet irl and not tell me!?

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