part 17 Phantom bullet arc

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A couple months have passed since we saved Asuna and brought Aincrad to Alfhiem as well as the truth of how I'm still alive or came back to life, and after what happened with Sugou I tried to keep my powers hidden, and thankfully my parents never reported me dead so I was able to walk around without being questioned. While I was on a walk with Rika I was telling her about this message I got from a crime division.

Y/N: So I got this message yesterday from this VR crime division.

Rika: Wait, why would he send you a message?

Y/N: I don't know, I can guess because of the things I did like beat Sao and beat Sugou.

Rika: What happened to Sugou anyways. The police couldn't find him.

Y/N: I... gave him a chance to turn himself in, but he waited for Kirito and tried to kill him.

Rika: Did you kill him?

Y/N: No... I sent him somewhere fun.

Rika: Hmm, oh is that Kirito and Asuna?

Looking to where Rika pointed I saw both Kazuto and Asuna.

Y/N: As much as I want to scare them I know I'll be slapped. Lets just continue our date until I have to go see this guy.

Rika: Then let's not waste time.

She grabbed my hand and we visited some places and soon I had to leave, so after saying goodbye to Rika I went to the building I was supposed to meet Seijirou at and took the elevator to the restaurant.

???: Welcome.

Walking in I looked around until I head my name, just not the right one.

Seijirou: U/N, over here!

And with that everyone was staring at him, I just sighed and walked towards him then sat down in the chair.

Seijirou: I'll pay, so order whatever you want.

Y/N: One of everything.

Seijirou: W-what?

Y/N: Did I stutter one of everything.

Seijirou: Please don't. My wallet won't handle the outcome.

Y/N: Fine, I'll just have a coffee.

Seijirou: Sorry to bring you all the way out here, U/N.

Y/N: Next time don't bring me all the way out to Ginza, and also use my real name. We're not in a game.

Seijirou: Your so cold.

Y/N: I know I am, now why did you call me here?

Seijirou: I have something important to discuss with you. Here take a look at this.

He reached into his bag and pulled out a tablet and handed it to me, so I looked and it was information on someone.

Y/N: Who's this?

Seijirou: Hmm, last month, on november 14th... The landlord of Nakano, Tokyo apartment building smelled something while cleaning. She got worried and opened the electronic lock on the door, and discovered the body if this man Shigemura Tamotsu, age 26. He'd been dead for five and a half days. His room was messy but it wasn't ransacked. The body was on the bed, and on his head...

Y/N: An amusphere?

Seijirou: correct. Given a possibility of foul play an autopsy was held. The cause of death was acute heart failure.

Y/N: Wait, his heart stopped? Do you know how?

Seijirou: We don't.

???: Here you go.

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