part 19

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So we made it to the governor General office, and I parked the buggie, and check the time.

Y/N: Five minutes left.

Sinon: We can still make it. This way!

Next thing I knew was I was being dragged by the girl we quickly walked up the stairs almost tripping in the process. When we walked in she still held my hand taking me to where we sign in, but I kept my eyes out for this death gun.

Sinon: Here. You can enter the tournament from here. Its a normal touch panel terminal. Do you know how to use it?

Y/N: Yeah, I'll be fine.

Sinon: Okay, if you need any help I'll be right next to you.

Y/N: Thank you.

Looking at the screen I pressed entry, and I saw something weird it was asking for my information like an address and real name. I didn't like the area I was in no privacy, so I didn't enter anything and pressed yes.

Sinon: Are you done?

Y/N: Yeah. Thanks for the help.

Sinon: No problem. It was kinda fun riding in that buggie. Anyway, which qualifier block did you get?

Y/N: Oh... Block F... F-37.

Sinon: Oh, I see. I'm also in block F, too. Maybe because we signed up at the same time. I'm 12, which means... Good even if I run into you, it'll be in the finals. 

Y/N: Oh, I see... Then we'll both be in the tornament even if I win against you.

Sinon: Yep, and I'll most likely beat you.

Y/N: Then we'll see.

We walked as she talked about the Japanese being pretty good as an america company made this game. And soon we made it to a small room I don't remember what she said or how we got here as I was still looking for death gun.

Sinon: They're are all such idiots. 

Y/N: Huh?

Sinon: Showing off their main weapons thirty minutes before the match. Its just asking to get countered.

Y/N: Oh yeah, guns.

Sinon: You should only equip you laser sword and five-seven before the match starts.

Next thing I know is shes in her underwear.

Y/N: Woah! You can't do that.

I turned away so I couldn't see her.

Sinon: Hmm? Why not?

Y/N: I'm a guy.

Sinon: What?

I then showed some information including my gender.

Sinon: Hmm, male? But you're... But... No way.

Y/N: I never saw what I looked like, so I thought you knew I was a guy.

I didn't hear anything but my back was still facing her until I heard footsteps then a slap on the back of my head.

Y/N: Ow! To be fair you assumed my gender!

Soon we had our combat clothes on and she walked and I followed her. She suddenly turned left and stayed with her.

Sinon: Don't follow me.

Y/N: But I don't know what to do.

Sinon: Don't follow me.

Y/N: Your the only person I know.

The Hunter of Sword Art Onlineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें