chapter 17 premonition.

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There is a brief sense of peace. Y/n is a deterrent for any schemes that Shao Khan can come up with.  

Raiden wishes to speak to Xerox, regarding Y/n. Despite Xerox's strategies in fighting time demons, he is the most qualified. 

Xerox arrives at Raiden's temple. Raiden meets him.

Raiden: Xerox. I thank you for joining me.

Xerox: When it regards a time demon, I am always available.

Raiden: I have had a premonition. 

Xerox looked at Raiden with a look of Intrest.

Raiden: I have seen a future where Y/n snaps, and gives into his bloodlust.

Xerox: Do you know the cause?

Raiden: The details are not clear. But Shao Khan is definitely the perpetrator.

Xerox: Okay.  

Raiden: He killed everyone.

Xerox: That includes me.  Hmm.  I must go and speak to someone about this. 

Xerox walked away. If it had to do with time being messed up. Only a time god would know what has happened.  

He went to Kronika's fortress.  He was met met by Geras.

Geras: What is your business here, Xerox?

Xerox: I need to speak to Kronika. Out of my way!

Geras: You know the rules, I can't let you pass.

Xerox: We've done this song and dance before. You know how this ends.

Geras and Xerox begin to fight.  Geras goes for a punch. Xerox blocks the punch and returns with a punch of his own.  The punch goes through Geras.

Xerox: I don't have time for this.

Xerox picks Geras up and slams him onto the ground, he stomps his head in.

Xerox walks into the hourglass chamber. He sees Kronika watching the hourglass.

Xerox: We need to speak.

Kronika: You made that clear when you defeated Geras, in record time.

Xerox: I have reason to believe that someone sent a message to the guardian of Earthrealm.

Kronika: Regarding?

Xerox: The time demon, Y/n L/n.

Kronika went silent for a moment.

Kronika: Do you know what the message was?

Xerox: Only that a chain of events, caused him to snap.

Kronika: The only thing I know, is that a few days ago, time itself was messed with.

Xerox: How so?

Kronika: I do not have the same control over time as I once did. No doubt the introduction of a time demon had an impact on that. 

Xerox: That's a good thing. Personally, I'm tired of you messing things up.

Kronika: *angrily* You dare!

Xerox: You know that I have become unattached to the control of time gods. I will say what I please.  Without your power over me, you are nothing.

Kronika: Tch.

Xerox: Besides, you know that the grand time god wouldn't be happy, if you tried to kill me.

Kronika: Just because you have Tempus's favor, doesn't make you immune to divine wrath.

Xerox: Says the one that begged me to kill Y/n. Because you're little pet stands no chance.

Kronika: Have you come here, just to mock me?!

Xerox: No. Sadly I need your hourglass.  

Kronika: What for?

Xerox: I need to use some time demon energy to look into the future and see what events I need to change.

Kronika: Fool! You know how this works. Even if you do change the events. They will only occur in a different fashion.

Xerox: Normally. But this is a time demon we are talking about. You know the rules change, when it comes to them.

Kronika sighs.

Kronika: Fine. Use my hourglass. 

Kronika moves aside.

Xerox pulls out a bottle of stored energy from a defeated time demon. He swallows the energy and feels the effects take hold.

He is not a time demon, but he can temporary access some of their power. But he needs help.

Xerox looks at the hourglass, it reacts to his energy.  

A stream of energy enters Xerox.  

He is ready to see the events that will cause Y/n to snap, if he is not careful.

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