chapter 25 Y/n's adventure part 2

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Y/n continues his journey though time and space.

Every timeline he visits he sits and watches events unfold.  He watches both evil and good forces fight until they can't anymore. 

He visits a timeline where it became almost completely unified under one banner.  To Y/n's surprise, the leader of this union looks exactly like him.

Y/n had some questions.

He entered  the castle and hid until nightfall. Waiting for an opportunity. 

Eventually the man he was looking for entered the room and shut the door.

Y/n revealed himself. The man didn't look surprised.

?: Intresting. I wonder where you came from.

Y/n: Nowhere that you'd know. 

?: Then why are you here? To kill me?

Y/n: No. I...I need advice. 

?: I see. So you sought me out. You look exactly like me.  You know me as Y/n, emperor of middle earth.

Y/n: I know. They say you experienced much loss. I'm trying to cope with mine.

Emperor Y/n: I see. 

Y/n: Look at me. I became exactly what killed them. 

Emperor Y/n: That is only true if you want it to be.  You don't have to be what you hate. You can change what it means to be what you are. I struggled, being the only human in a land full of orcs that didn't want me. But I showed them that I was Uruk at heart.

Y/n: I'm sorry, but our positions are different. I was forced to watch as my body was used to kill my own family.

Emperor Y/n: That may be true. But I doubt our feelings are different.  You hate yourself for what you are, I did too.  But I found loyal friends who helped me on my way. And now, I'm a father of many children.  So don't give up on yourself. You never know what will happen. 

At that point the door creaked opened. Y/n went into the darkness.

A little Norsko walked in, he was very sleepy.

Norsko: Daddy. *yawn* Who are you talking to.

Emperor Y/n walks up to little Norsko and scoops him up into his arms.

Emperor Y/n: Why are you up little one?

Norsko: I wanted a story.

Emperor Y/n: Oh. Okay, let me you tell the story of the Uruk I named you after.  

Emperor Y/n sits in a chair with Norkso on his lap.

Emperor Y/n: My blood brother, Norkso. He was the first Uruk to ever look past my skin, and see the warrior inside me.  As children we played and spared. Eventually we decided to become blood brothers.    He was the bravest Uruk I knew.   We traveled Mordor and eventually took Cirith Ungol.  If it weren't for him, you wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be here.    Never judge someone on looks, never judge someone on what they are. Judge them for who they are, and what they do. 

Emperor Y/n looked down and saw Norsko fast asleep. He looked at where Y/n was hiding.

Emperor Y/n: I hope that you find your path, just as I have. The first thing you must do, is forgive yourself. When you have no control over what happened, why blame yourself?  Instead, protect the future. Protect those that you hold sacred to you. And kill those that dare harm them.

Y/n doesn't say a word and vanishes.

Emperor Y/n: Well, that was interesting. I should get to bed. Vala and Iris would kill me if I stay up too late again.

Emperor Y/n picks up Norsko and carries him off to bed.

Meanwhile our Y/n sits on top of the palace, thinking on the words of emperor Y/n.  

He decides that his adventure has come to an end. He needs to protect his friends.  He has a future to look forward to. He has to ensure that it is safe, and he has to be there to do that.

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