9| teke teke

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The story begins at night, when a boy named Satoshi is on his way back home. He had just left his cram school, and was walking through some empty streets as it was nearing 10 pm. 

As he passed through a neighborhood, he saw a beautiful young girl near the top of an abandoned building. She was leaning out the window, with her elbows propped on the windowsill. She looked down at him, contempt and jealousy hiding behind her eyes.

Suddenly, the girl jumped out of the window. Shocked, Satoshi could do nothing but watch her fall. When the girl landed, Satoshi realized something horrible, the girl only had half a boy. Her torso had been split in half, and her legs were nowhere to be found.

Unbeknown to him, the vengeful spirit belonged to a girl who had accidentally fallen onto some train tracks seconds before a train passed by, cutting her in half.

The girl started dragging herself toward him, a scythe in one hand. As she skittered toward him on her elbows and claw-like hands, a "teke teke" sound echoed around him.

Before he could move, she pushed off her elbows swinging her scythe at his midsection. Satoshi felt the scythe tear through him, and soon nothing. 

As he lay on the ground, blackness closing in around him, he saw her hate-filled face hovering above his. A look of triumph crossed it. 

That would be the last thing he would ever see. . .

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