47| lagahoo and a tale of my own; part two

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In the folklore of Trinidad and Tobago the Lagahoo,lagahoolo or Lugarhou is a mythical shapeshifting monster. It is cousin to the French and the Germanic werewolf .

It seems like a normal human by day, but this creature takes on the form of a man with no head, who roams the night with a wooden coffin on its neck. On top of the coffin are three lighted candles and the long loose end of a heavy iron chain, noosed around its waist, trails behind him. Often, it is seen with chains around its neck, which change size. 

One appendage is said to be turned backwards.

It can shapeshift into various animals, including horses, pigs or goats, and said to often take the form of a creature similar to a centaur; it is also thought to be a blood sucker which is less than particular about its food source, making do with such animals as cows and goats. 

The Lagahoo also possesses the ability to alter its size from tiny to gigantic in an instant.

To kill the Lagahoo one must beat the creature with a stick which has been anointed with holy water and holy oil for nine days. While beating the demon, it changes into other beasts such as a snarling dog, horse, cat, and pig, a wild bullaman and thunderous waves of water and finally will disappear into a black mist.


You wouldn't actually believe me but in our country - Trinidad and Tobago - my grandparents have both seen it, even my Mother so this is definitely a story to share.

So, my Mom said that during the night back in those old days, they would hear the dragging of chains and the walking of the lagahoo. Just thinking about it honestly, gives me the chills. They would have to blow their lamps out and sleep in the DARK while that thing was out there. . .doing God knows what.

And that was just one story told. . .

There was also a time where my grandmother told me that they almost caught it.

It was yet another chilling night and this time the entire village were tired of this creature so they all teamed up and brought out their tools and weapons. And they wait, wait until it came.

And it did, it did come. So they ran out and was so so close to capturing it. But before they lost it in the forest as they following it and eventually got tried. But they also got to lay a chop on its hand. 

But that's not the scary part. . .The scary part is where a man who lived there, was walking down the street with a large bandage on the same identical hand that they cut the creature on. That can not be a coincidence, can it?

And Ma said that when they asked him how he got that, he said that he fell down the stairs. . .

Pretty freaky and chilling right? Do tell me in the comments! 

Also, a video is linked to the top ↟ where you will see a little more insight on the lagahoo. The video was created by my friend's brother. Enjoy!

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