59| the haunted forest/the demon that lurked in the forest

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 In a faraway place, just south of the little town of Bawley Point, two travelers gathered their thoughts on how they were going to get past the demon of the forest. At last, they came to an agreement that they would enter the haunted woods and cut off the giant demon's head.

Once and for all, ending the fear that lingered throughout the villagers. The two travelers had always dreamed of finding what lay beyond the haunted place. They had heard that a giant oak tree had magically turned into a ferocious and fearsome demon, which was now the ruler of the entire forest.

The next day, they set off on the long journey to the forest. Just a short time after lunch, the two travelers arrived at the entrance to the haunted forest. They marched earnestly through it.

Slimy and creepy vines hung down from gigantic trees and when these brushed against their shoulders, spine-tingling sensations ran down their spines making them shiver in fear. As they crept silently through the forest, the travelers could not help but feel that someone or something was following them.

Observing their every move silently. But shaking it off, they continued their journey, walking in nervous silence for many hours. Of course, they were soon dehydrated. Their mouths were dry and parched, as their legs grew weary from all the walking.

Suddenly, there was an opening in the forest, in the middle of which stood a giant oak tree.

The travelers came to an abrupt stop and looked at each other with pure fear. They were afraid of the oak tree, afraid that it would turn into the demon, so they gripped their silver swords tightly, and inched steadily into the clearing.

There was a sudden shriek of evil laughter as the tree transformed itself into a demon. It turned around gradually to face them. Its scaly green body and horns the size of tree trucks made fear struck through the travelers like lightning again. One of the travelers impulsively charged towards the demon and bravely stabbed it with all his might.

The demon cried out in pain as he dropped to the floor, that gave the other traveler a boost of confidence as he too, now striked forward, ready to end the chapter of this beast.

After that day onwards, the travelers were both named, 'The Bravest Of Them All'.

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