11| have you seen the blue man?

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Honestly, I never wanted to relive this part of my life again, but something has happened that has forced me to do so. I don't even remember much, the entire part of my life when the event happened seemed like a blur, like it wasn't even real, for the longest time I even thought I had dreamt it up, or maybe I knew it was real but refused to entertain the idea out of fear alone. 

I was a fool to think I could have just erased something like that from my past; it looks like my past has finally caught up with me. I'm going to recall my experience from when I was a child, 

I'm going to try to remember as much as I can, but like I said, much of it is a blur. This surreal experience terrorized me for three years of my life, beginning when I was seven years old; I called this experience, 'the Blue Man'.

Everything began with a door. 

One night I would go to sleep, tucked behind my big pink and purple bedsheets, my blue nightlight in the corner of the room, illuminating the closet door that I was always so afraid of. I dosed off to sleep after my parents kissed me goodnight, nothing seemed amiss. 

I had quite a vivid dream that night; usually, dreams are forgotten quite easily, you remember them for a few minutes upon waking up and then they fade away, never to be remembered again, there are only a handful of dreams that stand out enough to be remembered, and this was one of those dreams.

I remember sitting in a field, similar to the wheat field behind my house. I was wearing the same pajamas I had on when I went to bed. It was dark out, heavily overcast and the wheat around me seemed to flow steadily in a slight but calm wind, I remember how deafly silent it was. 

In the middle of a field, just a few feet in front of me sat a single black, wooden door. A knock came from the other side, three knocks in quick succession. Puzzled for a moment, I stood up and slowly walked over to the door. 

I peeked around the door frame, confused to why someone would knock on a door with no walls separating the other side but nobody was there. Another knock echoed through the field, three more quick knocks with a voice following this time; the voice was calm and soft, like the wind, yet at the same time it made me uncomfortable.

"Hey," spoke from the other side, slightly muffled behind the door, "Can you let me in? It's cold out here."

That was all the voice said, and without thinking much about it, I touched the black doorknob and turned it slowly, and as I watched the black door slowly open, cold air blasted in from the other side. 

The once still and quiet field was hit with a rush of cold air, I stumbled back a few feet as chills rippled down my spine and the crops of wheat shook. As the rush of cold and violent air subsided and the field once again grew still, I saw as the opened door had nothing on the other side; nothing but the other side of the field with the same overcast sky. 

That was when I was pulled from my dream, I woke up in my room, I remember being very cold despite being tucked under my sheets. I turned over to see my alarm clock, the sunlight from the morning sky outside peeked through my window and hit my face. 

I sat up and quickly noticed that my bedroom door was open, I had sworn my parents closed it the night before after tucking me in, they always did, if only I had known then what I had unintentionally invited into my life.

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