64| the girl in my room

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Last year (2019), my father moved into a new house. There were only three bedrooms, so my father let me sleep in a bigger room at the back of the house. It had bookshelves on three of the walls and my bed was behind a screen. 

During the time we lived there I would go through periods of extreme anger and fear when I had no control over how I felt or what I did. Eventually I told my dad, and he promised to help me. Three weeks later, he came into my room and started talking to me. I told him that I thought I was possessed by some sort of creature, and he asked me what her name was. I had a lot of trouble saying it, I stuttered and mispronounced her name until eventually I got it right. 

The moment her name left my mouth I knew I had no control over what I was saying. All my efforts to speak were for nothing, as my words stayed trapped in my head. I was screaming, begging her to leave me alone but she wouldn't listen, and wouldn't let my words become more than thoughts. 

She told my dad that she wanted to look after me, and that this was HER home, and HER room. Eventually she told me (without saying a word to my dad) that she was tired and bored. She let me take control again and I collapsed, sobbing and shaking, the screams that had been stuck in my head leaving my mouth. 

I was in immense pain, my whole body hurt and I couldn't stop crying. The only thing I could think of was the final words my dad had said to her, and her reply. "I'm going to kill you," my father had said. "You can't kill me without killing her," she had replied, and then laughed, her hysterical screams echoing into my painful sobs. 

The night after this happened, I woke up unable to move an inch, with a headache the size of Jupiter. I hear whispers, and the sound of laughter and stomping feet before passing out. 

A months later we moved, and science then I have never been able to fall asleep earlier than 11 o'clock (the time I woke up and heard the noises) but I have never had trouble with the ghost of our old house again. 

This is a true story and this ghost caused a lot of trouble for me.

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