Sistine Intro

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Savanna's p.o.v.
My name is Savanna Alizey Borden, Ring name Sistine

I bet you might be wondering, what do I have to do with the WWE? Well, you see, I've always wanted to work inside the ring. It was my dream like many kids who grew up watching it on their television. Some even think I'm demented for wanting to be put through a table at one point when I was a kid. I promise I'm no masochist, it just seems like experiencing it could be such an adrenaline rush.  Of course, I now realize it's not a fun time when you're on the receiving end. 

I'm currently 25 and my dad finally approved of me being involved in the world of wrestling entertainment. Who is my dad? Why does his approval matter you might ask? It matters when he's none other than Sting. Yeah, the vigilante is my father. 

Many know him for his on-screen persona and how intimidating he can be, especially in the ring. I can assure you that underneath all that face paint, he's a loving father and a kind man. It never fails to surprise me how loved and respected he is. My heart swells with joy whenever a fan tells him how much they admire him. I've accompanied my dad to a few fan signs before and no matter how tired dad may be, he always makes sure to make every fan interaction a memorable one. Even when he's not working and we're out in public, if a fan recognizes him, dad will snap a pic and give them an autograph. If he's not in a rush to make it somewhere on time, he'll make small conversation. That's just the kind of person my father is. 

I'm inevitably a daddy's little girl which means my dad is extremely overprotective, and I mean extremely.

That's one of the reasons I didn't join WWE. I'm an only child, my mom had complications when giving birth to me which led to her passing. My dad was heartbroken and though it was hard for him, he managed to stay strong in order to raise me. Despite my dad's job on the road, he always made sure to attend anything I was involved in. One time, my class was supposed to perform Jingle Bell Rock a day before his title match, so he booked a flight home to come see me. Vince McMahon scolded him the following day when he arrived at the arena, but dad argued 'title matches come and go, my child's performance was a once in a lifetime opportunity.' By now you can understand how dedicated he was to me. My dad has said that if it weren't for me, life to him would've been meaningless. I was his pride and joy, his motivation. Therefore, he wanted his little girl to always be safe-- even from what he did for a living.

Dad initially thought it was a phase that I'd grow out of. That I was just a kid fascinated with her father's job but when I continued to show interest as a teen, he began to worry. So, he attempted to keep me away from it many times. Advising me to pursue a different career and that I didn't need to follow in his footsteps, but I persisted. Maybe he saw how badly I wanted this or maybe he grew tired of me constantly bringing up the topic, but one night during dinner he finally gave in and agreed to mentor me in my training but only if I agreed to his conditions. Which of course, I said yes to. 

My training began after I graduated from high school. It took me 4 years to learn and perfect wrestling moves. Then 2 more wrestling dad to practice what I've learned. Surprisingly, he wasn't too easy on me. He'd put me in his Scorpion Death Lock and wouldn't let go unless I escaped it. I tapped out countless times before I was able to crawl my way to the bottom rope. Once my dad deemed I was ready, he gave Hunter a call. 

It was finally happening. I was going to continue my father's legacy while shinning on my own.

The Shield's sister (REWRITTING!)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن