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Savannah's P.o.v.
It all started last week, I started feeling sick. Randy would always ask me how was I feeling & I would reply 'fine'. I told Stephanie & she said she was going to give me the rest of the week off & hoped I felt better.  Even though I was given the week off, I still went to Raw & Smackdown to watch Randy & The Shield's matches. I was always backstage talking to either AJ, Ariana, Paige, Naomi, Natalya, Cesaro, Sheamus or The Usos. Kane would sometimes tell me inside jokes that I never understood by the way. I would also talk to Seth whenever he wasn't buissy. The bad thing that would happen to me when I hanged or talked to people was me always feeling nauseous. I onced talked to Cesaro & almost puked on him! Poor Cesaro, he looked scared. I just puked a lot everyday & Paige noticed this "You ok pumpkin?" Paige asked me backstage "Yep, I'm good" "You don't seem good, have you gone to the doctor?" "No, it's probably just something I ate." "Savannah, you throw up all the time. It's ok to puke all day, but you've been throwing up for the past 3 days! That's not normal" I looked at Paige with worried look. "Paige, don't tell me I'm going to die in 7 days!" "Don't be silly" she said laughing "You watch too many scary movies. What I meant is you should take know...test?" Ok, maybe dying in 7 days isn't too bad. "Paige, that's crazy I can't-I'm not" "take the test & lets find out" I followed Paige into the girls bathroom & took the test. Me & Paige were walking around the bathroom for 5 minutes, until I finally picked up the test but I didn't look at it. "Paige I don't know if this a good idea." I said looking at her, she smiled & grabbed my hand "It's ok pumpkin, I'm here for you" I smiled at her. My I felt my hand trembling as I held the test up so I could see it. I started crying & threw it on the floor. "What is it?" Paige said making me face her. "Savannah tell me please!" she said holding me by the shoulders. "I am" I said, Paige didn't say nothing she just hugged me. "What am I going to tell Randy?" "Tell him the truth" "what if he doesn't want it?" Paige held me by my shoulders & faced me "He will. He's as guilty as you. & if he doesn't want to be part of this, I'll kick his ass." She said smiling at me, she looked like she wanted to cry but instead smiled. I laughed softly, typical Paige. I hugged her once more & wiped my tears. I had to tell Randy, he needs to know. After a while I saw Randy walking in the hallway. Paige was with me at all times. We walked up to Randy. "Hey Savannah!" He said hugging me "Hey Paige" he said looking at a dangerous looking Paige ready to attack him. "We need to talk" I whispered "Sure, lets go to my locker room" He said putting an arm around me with Paige following behind. At the door of Randy's locker room Paige whispered to me saying she was going to wait outside just in case. I nodded & walked in with Randy.
Paige's P.o.v.
I told Savannah I was going to wait outside just incase something happens. I did give Randy the 'I'll kill you' look as he walked in with Savannah. He better not end up being a jerk. I layed my back against the wall while crossing my arms. All I needed was to hear Randy say shit, so I could go in & beat the hell out of him.
Savannah's P.o.v.
"So, what do you want to tell me?" Randy asked sitting next to me. I took a deep breath "Randy, I know what's going on with me" "Is it a disease? I'm calling the ambulance-" "No. I'm not sick, I'm just..." " You're what?" He said looking at me with a worried look. "I'm...I'm pregnant" I said looking down. I didn't want to see his face nor his reaction. He stood up & turned his back at me for a minute. He then turned back to face me "Is it mine?" He asked "Ofcoures, you're the only guy I've ever been with" it was silent for a while. I knew what was going to happen next, he was going to tell me he didn't want anything to do with me anymore but to my surprise, he hugged me. "I love you" he said. I finally let tears out, I expected worse but I was glad it came out good. I know this might sound wrong but I was really looking forward to seeing Paige beating up Randy. We hugged for a long time, "I have to tell Stephanie" I said finally. He looked upset, I guess he didn't want me to tell her but it was for the best. I was going to get stripped from my title. Randy, Paige & I walked to Steph's office, I went inside alone while Randy & Paige waited outside.
(30 minutes later in Stephanie's Office)
"You know what's going to happen next right?" She asked looking disappointed. I nodded, She expected a lot from me but things happen. Stephanie gave me the opportunity to win the Divas title because I had potential but now, I just hope she didn't regret it. "Savannah, your a great girl & I just want you to know I'm not mad at you, I just didn't think you were going to leave us for a while. I'm proud of all the things  you still accomplished during the past moths & your reigning was 150 days." She smiled & hugged me "I wish you the best & hope to see you soon" I smiled "thank you Steph" "But don't leave without saying goodbye, the WWE Universe needs to know you're not going to be here for a while." I nodded  & handed her my divas title, I kissed it before giving it to her. I later walked out & told the WWE tech to not play any song. I walked down the ramp & the crowd seemed surprised I wasn't in my ring gear nor comming down the stairs. I got in the ring & held the mic. "I just wanted to see your faces once more before I leave." I could see fans including little kid's expression change. "Apparently, something came up. I'm pregnant & won't be in the ring for a while" People were shocked "But, I'll be back & take back my title from who ever owns it next, you guys can believe...that" I said people cheered. "Thank you guys for your love & support you guys rock. Thank you!" I said as I felt tears comming down my cheecks. Fans started chanting 'See you soon Savannah' I let tears of happiness come down my cheeks not giving a damn of my make up. I smiled at them & then got out of ring. I walked up the ramp backwards still looking at those people who clapped & chanted my name. I knew I had a lot of explaining to do to The Shield & my dad but I didn't want to rightnow. I walked backstage met all the divas hugging me & crying of happiness. "We'll miss you Savannah, we love you & please keep us updated" I nodded & walked away. I bumped into Seth, Roman, & Dean. We stood there in silence for a while. They hugged me, I couldn't contain myself from crying. "We'll miss you" "I'll miss you guys too" I said wiping my tears. They smiled at me Roman, Dean & Seth looked like they were ready to cry, but they smiled instead. "See you soon Savannah" They said "See you guys," I said walking away waving at them. I'll be back, soon.

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