You dumped me for her

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Savannah's P.o.v.
Tonight was Smackdown & I had a match against Ariana. I saw Ariana waiting at the gorilla. "Break a leg" I sad smiling "you too" she said smiling back. After Ariana's theme song played, The Shield's theme can on. We walked down the crowd & I got into the ring with my title on my shoulder. I gave my belt to Roman as the bell rang. "Isn't this great Cole!" Jerry Lawler said "Ofcoures, if Ariana wins this match she gets closer of having an opportunity for the title against Savannah."

(Skip match)

I clotheslined Ariana & pinned her 1..2.. she kicked out. I was dominating the match even though at the beginning Ariana was dominating. I stood up looking frustrated. "Savannah can't put Ariana away" Cole said "yeah, she looks a bit frustrated" JBL said. I was about to do my finisher on Ariana but something caught my attention. I saw Eden telling Lillian something. Eden was showing something to Lillian on her phone smiling. She then walked backstage. I was too distracted not realizing Ariana took advantage of the win by pinning me 1..2..3. "Here's your winner Ariana Warrior!" Lillian anounced raising her hand. I just got out of the ring & grabbed my title walking backstage. After a few minutes Ariana joined me. "What happened out there?" She asked "I was distracted, that's all" "by what?" "Something. See you around & congrats" I said walking away. I walked in the divas locker room & changed grabbing my stuff. I then walked to the Shield's locker room. "You guys ready?" "Yeah are you?" Roman asked. "Yeah, just going to tell Cody I'm not driving with him." I walked to Cody's locker room & opened the door to see something I never expected to see. It was Cody & Eden kissing. I had two options, to either have an argument with Cody while he's trying to explain himself to me or just walk away. I don't usually walk away from my problems but rightnow wasn't the time or place. I closed the door again & walked out of the arena. I decided I didn't want to ride with the guys so I took a taxi. "Where to miss?" The driver asked "closest bar" after 20 minutes he dropped me off at a fancy bar. I paid him & walked in, I sat at a counter & ordered. After the waiter gave me my drink I started drinking non-stop. I just wanted to forget about Cody. I wanted to cry & even though I didn't let myself I could feel tears comming out of my eyes. I wiped them away & kept drinking. "Fuck my life" I said  while drinking another shot. I usually don't drink a lot but I couldn't help myself, I was in pain & couldn't let that get to me. I remembered meeting Cody for the first time, he was sweet & caring. I couldn't believe what my eyes saw though, he cheated on me with Eden.
I saw it comming but I guess I was too stubborn to see it. I heard my phone buzz it was a text message from Dean.

Where are you!? Why did you leave the arena?

I decided to ignore it & kept drinking. Then I heard my phone ring, this time it was Seth. If I wasn't in a delicate state & I wasn't drunk I would answer him but I decided not to, so I hanged up. After 3 hours later or so, I was completely drunk. I decided to go back to the hotel. I called a taxi & told him to drive me to the hotel. I walked into my hotel room tripped on a coffee table or something. I groaned while I was on the floor. Then the lights went on & to my surprise I saw Seth. "Sweetheart!" He ran towards me helping me up "where were you? Roman & Dean went out to look for you." "Well I'm here stop acting like if I was taken away by aliens" I heard Seth talking to Dean on the phone. I rolled my eyes "just so you know, Dean doesn't sound very happy & are you drunk?" "No! Ok maybe a little" "what happened?" "Nothing, I'm going to bed" I said starting to walk to my room. "Need to talk?" I stopped in my tracks & turn to him. I started to sob & he walked to me taking me to the couch. "What happened?" He asked I started crying "he fucking hurt me" I answered wiping my tears. He hugged me making an angry face. I let it all out, I knew what was going to happen next, Seth might tell Dean & Roman. Then in that moment I saw both Roman & Dean come in. They had a pissed off face but their expressions soften when they saw me crying. "Babygirl" "what happened?" I was still crying so Seth spoke for me "Cody cheated on her" Dean's face changed into an agry face again. Roman just tapped his shoulder & pointed at me. They both hugged me, my make up was all over my face I wiped my tears again & stopped crying "he's not with it" Roman grabbed my shoulder. I just stood up, "I need some rest. See you guys tommorow" I hugged the three guys & walkes to my bedroom. I layed on my bed & in minutes I fell asleep. He lost me & he doesn't even know it

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