1 | The Remembering

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Aaaaa here we go!!

The styling is going to be strange for this chapter, where it won't be in a neat and tidy chronological order, but I'm introducing characters in settings, and this is kinda how it's going.

It'll be worth it by the end.

Enjoy! :)


I think I want to fully go by he/him pronouns now.

Tony takes a deep breath in as he double checks that he spelled everything correctly, and that it's going to the right person, and that the sentence makes sense, before he hits send.

Not long after he does, his boyfriend responds immediately.

Cool :)

Tony lets out a sigh of relief. He knew that Sean would be accepting. Why did he ever get that little voice of doubt telling him that he wouldn't be?

Tony grins, holding his phone to his chest. Hearing ... or seeing Sean say that really makes him feel happy inside.

He first came out a few year ago. Ever since, he's been referred to by he/they pronouns, but in the last year, it's been sublty changing to just he/him. He just wanted to clarify his pronouns.

It took Tony a long time to feel comfortable with his identity. And now he doesn't want to wait any longer: he is a boy.

And, that little hopeful voice in the back of his mind goes off, maybe if this happens, I'll finally be able to get a binder.

He lets out a wistful sigh at that thought. I wish.

Lately, he's been feeling strong gender dysphoria. And his baggy shirts and baggy sweatshirts haven't been enough. He's so sure that a binder will fix all his problems. It has to.

Because he doesn't know what he'll do if it doesn't.

He just wishes he was with his grandparents today.

I want Nonna's linguine. Or to go out somewhere that has gelato with them. Or I don't know. Just be at their house.

He loves his grandparents. A lot. Once he gets his driver's license (and permission/access to a vehicle), he'll be able to visit them as often as he wants. But in the moment, he's stuck with his parents.

Not for long though.

Another text from Sean comes through.

Ready to go to Jack's soon? We're on our way. Really close...

Tony almost forgot. Everyone's gathering at Jack's today. They cherish every time they can get together as a group in the summer, and today was one of those days where everyone is free. Sean's coming to pick Tony up. He's glad he has Sean to remind him of things like this. 

He texts back right away.

Gimme a hot minute

He gets off his bed immediately. Truth be told, he forgot he had to go anywhere. So now he has to scramble to get ready.

His phone buzzes. 

Take your time.

Tony beams.

Sean gets him.

Tony knows that Sean is well aware of the fact that Tony has no concept of time and is never ready to go on time. So the heads up is nice.

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