23 | What Do We Find?

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I'm here because now I have more free time now that my school is now online for the week.

Okay the thing is that for the chapter where they return from winter break and it all goes wrong that's kinda what happened for me. (My school did something weird this year because of covid and we got an extended winter break, so Monday the 10th was our first day back). I even said in that beginning author's note "I hope this isn't a self-fulfilling prophecy that comes true haha" or something like that. Anyway, our plucky heroes got their clubs cancelled coming back and new lunch rules. Because of the new variant, my school's clubs got cancelled for the week and there were new lunch rules. The circumstances between our world and this story's world are vastly different, but the outcomes were the same. They lost their GSA for a week, I'm losing my GSA for the week. And then today, Tuesday the 11th, we got sent home because of a positive case. And we're going remote for a week. And right now I'm still just trying to figure out what the heck is going on.

Let's see if I can channel all my emotions (which I STILL don't know how to describe because of ALEXITHYMIA) into writing at least one chapter this week. No promises. Sorry if my writing seems unhinged or I seem like I'm rattled.

The good thing about this story is that they have their GSA back, their version of the strike is over, so now they can focus on what's important, the thing that this story is actually about: finding out about their past lives.

I still have no clue what I'm doing or where this chapter is going.

Aha! Inspiration has struck! THIS is where I use THOSE plot points!


Enjoy! :)


School goes on just like it did before. Just the same old mundane routine.

GSA is greatly appreciated.

And now that they don't have anything about school in particular to worry about, they can focus on what's important: finding out more about who they were in their past lives.

Now it's Saturday, and they're all at Jack's house, because somehow it just got decided nearly six months ago (Wow, it's been nearly half a year since we first learned about our past lives, they marvel.) that this is where they all find out information together. It works, though. Adding David, Sarah, and Kathryn to the dynamic is interesting, but they can make it work. 

"So has everyone figured out who they were in their past life?" Kathryn asks.

"Not everyone," Nick answers first. "But this guy-" he grabs Louis's hand- "was the one and only Kid Blink, legendary leader of the newsies' strike." 

Louis grins at his boyfriend, who smiles back with the same amount of affection and fondness.

"I was Racetrack Higgins," Tony adds with a smile. "Co-leader of the strike, very smart, OBSESSED with horse races, gambled a lot..."

Kathryn raises an eyebrow. "And just how old was he when he got into gambling?"


Yeah, maybe there are some things Racetrack did that Tony shouldn't do.

Tony averts his eyes. "Yeah, there are just some things that don't age well over time."

Like kids gambling.

"Hey." Sean shoves his shoulder lightly. "It's okay to like those things. You DID literally JUST come from seeing horse races."

Tony gives him a smile. "Yeah, and it was freakin' AWESOME."

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