18 | Emotions

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I...wow. I loved writing that rally.

Okay so the thing about this chapter is that I wrote this in the afternoon and I read somewhere that we're most creative at night and least creative in the afternoon, so I turned off all the lights to simulate it being night--which is when I normally write--and somehow it worked and creativity flowed haha.

This chapter is going to be a (probably very very long) roller coaster, but it's going to be worth it in the end. The title isn't necessarily supposed to represent anything good or bad; it's just that that's this chapter's main theme: all kinds of emotions. We'll just see how this goes.

Enjoy! :)


Warning: Transphobia

Tony reads the words in the articles July 25, 1899: "Great Meet of Newsboys" and July 25, 1899: "Newboys Act and Talk" from cityhallpark1899.com over and over again.

It bugs him a tiny bit that they're using pretty much just one website for all their information, but there is just so little elsewhere.

At least these are primary sources...kind of?

Regardless, both tell the story of Irving Hall perfectly.

And all those words Racetrack Higgins had said?

Tony remembers them.

He really, really remembers them.

He's so glad Louis texted him last night.

If it weren't for Nonna threatening to take away his phone last night, he probably wouldn't have gotten enough sleep--he would have just hyperfixated on the rally.

Was it July 24th or July 25th?

No one knows.

And the tricky thing is, it was at midnight July 25th--very shortly after July 24th ended--that Tony and Louis got the déjà vu. So really, it could be either day.

But Tony is finding so much information on Racetrack Higgins now.

And everything he said at the rally?

I aspire to be like Racetrack Higgins some day.

This is the best way he could possibly imagine to start the day. 

It gives him hope that every thing else is going to turn out just fine today too.

Besides, it's Friday. One more day, and then the weekend.

And maybe, just maybe, by Monday, finally, they can all put all of this behind them.


Yesterday, Louis was feeling great.

Today...not as much.

He was excitedly talking to Nick over the phone about everything he found about the rally, and what he remembered.

Seeing the floral horseshoe sparked so many memories-that-aren't-his-memories.

If only he found the drawing sooner. He could have found all of this much sooner.

Yeah, the rally was definitely Kid Blink's peak moment.

So why and how did it all come crashing down?

Louis doesn't know; but it's affecting his mood.

And it frustrates him that he truly doesn't know what happened.

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