5 | And Then...Nothing

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Kinda ominous for a title. Or weird. Or unsatisfactory. Anyway. I have my ways. Or I'm writing this at midnight.

Louis has (for now) forgotten about his drawing with the horseshoe, which is me as an author taking away his rights to end the story so soon. But don't despair! It is not a forgotten plot line!

This oughta be good though.

Enjoy! :)


It's August first and something is making all of them ecstatic.

Tony's search of what happened August 1 ended the same way what happened July 18 through what happened July 31 ended: nothing.

What they're all feeling is a feeling of...satisfaction. Like they did something and walked away satisfied.

No one knows what they did, though.

For Tony, he had déjà senti: he heard a someone say compromise. And somehow that did it. When he repeated it to the others, that made them all feel something too.


There was a compromise August 1st.

And it was tied to July 18th and July 24 and July 25th.

Were these random? Or just one ongoing event?

A Compromise August 1 in New York Google search doesn't have anything to say about it.

Louis is sure he's forgetting something. He saw something vivid at midnight on the 25th...he did something about it...but it's all fuzzy now.

"Okay, but what does it all mean?" Tony asks, currently cuddling with Sean on Jack's couch as once again they're in his house, hanging out, trying to figure all this out. "This has been an ongoing thing for pretty much two weeks now."

"There must have been something," Charlie says. He, for one, wants some form of answer. Or just a clue. Because in the past couple weeks his leg has just started randomly hurting like it did that first day of déjà vu. He doesn't know what it means. He's pretty sure it's directly tied to who he was in his past life, but he doesn't know in what way. Maybe if he knows some context, he can finally start putting two and two together.

"But we can all agree that we feel something, yeah?" Jack asks.

Everyone agrees.

"I feel like we're just so close," Tony states. "Like we have what we need to figure out what this is, but we don't know what exactly will help us find out what it is."

"Don't worry." Sean rests his head on top of Tony's. "We'll find out. Sometime."

His feelings about Brooklyn have gotten stronger, if anything. Whatever this compromise was, it was good for Brooklyn.

And it feels silly, but he feels like he helped Brooklyn with the compromise that benefited it, whatever the context was.

Who was he in his past life that could have made him this important to Brooklyn?

If he even was important.

"I say something's going to turn up real soon," Nick announces. "With the amount of good energy we're feeling, surely something's going to happen tomorrow, yeah?"

No one can argue with that.

They'll just have to wait for tomorrow.


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