Chapter 7

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The Case Continues, Moriarty Meets Athena, and She Bonds With Mycroft

Athena cringed as Sherlock opened the cabbie door for her once they were back to 221B. It was time for her to describe the man who had the gun at the tourist shoppe, and they both knew she didn't forget something unless she wanted to.

Having seen him was so big of a problem because he seemed like the kind of person that had ears and eyes everywhere. Maybe she was just being paranoid, but death was not on her agenda.

Once seated on the couch in the living room, Sherlock looked at her. "Go on."

She sighed. "Well, he had black, slicked back hair, his chin came to a bit of a point, his face was covered in stubble, he had a bit of a mustache, his eyes were brown. He walked with his back straight. His phone kept buzzing, though he ignored it, so he must've been a busy person. And his hair was a bit disheveled and his cheeks were flushed- he was somewhere windy that day... That's all I got."

Sherlock nodded. "Okay... Okay..."

Sighing, Athena stood and grabbed a book. "His voice was kind of deep too, but that's not too important."

Sherlock shook his head vigorously, his curls ruffling a bit. "All details are important when we're on a case."

She nodded and headed to her room.

"Athena?" Sherlock called as she walked down the hall.


"Stay here, please. John and I will be back soon."

Pursing her lips, she understood exactly why. "Alright."

She had no intentions of actually staying behind; however, she tried her best not to give it away. She went into her room and cracked open a book on the solar system, reading the first couple of pages before she heard the door slam shut.

Now, Athena was no fool. She knew Mycroft had cameras all through the house, including right in front of the door to her room (which he oh so conveniently placed "when suitors came to visit"- it didn't do any good to explain that there would be no suitors).

The window to her room had been bugged when she climbed out for a walk a few weeks prior. Every time it was opened, Sherlock, Mycroft, and John were alerted.

Eyes scanning her room, she took in everything she could. Bed, door, wardrobe, closet, vanity, ventilation shaft-

Ventilation shaft!

Athena grinned triumphantly and grabbed the stool to her vanity and a metal nail file.

Ten minutes and a few cuts on her fingers later, she was struggling to crawl through the ventilation system- because of her broken wrist- of 221B and straight to the front door.

"Success!" she whispered to herself, grinning proudly, as she spotted the front door through the vent.

She loosened the screws from the inside and slowly lowered herself to the floor, dropping the few feet and wincing as she landed on her heels instead of the balls of her feet.

Mycroft's camera by the front door was broken (which may or may not have been Athena's fault), so she could easily walk right through without any difficulty.

Humming to herself as she left, closing the door quietly to not disturb Mrs. Hudson, she was greeted by the chilly Britain air. People bustled about, and she wanted desperately to just sit on the front steps and watch people walk by, but she new she had to get to the museum as fast as possible.

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