Chapter 9

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The picture above is an idea of what Athena looks like.

Riley O'Conner: Athena's Best Friend Forever, Mr. Perish, and Sherlock Acts Like a Protective Father.

Athena was bored.

Not your average "there's nothing good on the telly" bored- oh no, she was cursed with a boredom she never could imagine dealing with: the wifi was broken.

Normally, she wouldn't be bothered by that, but she was reading something online and for god's sakes, she just wanted to finish it.

"Athena, quit lingering," Sherlock huffed, stopping his rhythmic tapping on the keyboard of his laptop just long enough to cast her an annoyed side glance.

"But I'm bored!"

"Then go outside," he retorted, rolling his eyes.

She wrinkled her nose slightly. It was raining- hard. Athena loved rain, but she hated being in it. Taking a book into the rain was like offering up your first born up for a blood sacrifice- you know the result you're going to get: death and sadness.

Maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, but books were her children. She only had one friend anyway, so something had to keep her company while he ran around doing whatever it is he did when she wasn't with him.

Then the idea hit her: she could hang out with Riley! She hadn't seen him since summer holidays first began!

"Can I hang out with a friend today?" she asked, trying her best to keep her excitement down.

"Who are you planning on seeing?" Sherlock asked, looking up from his laptop. John had also mysteriously drifted into the living room from the kitchen. (She knew that the second she mentioned being with someone that wasn't a- somewhat- responsible adult, he'd be interested, as all protective guardians are.)

"It's just Riley," she replied, casually putting on her glasses.

"Is Riley a boy?" John asked.

She smiled. "Yes. But our relationship is strictly platonic. I'd never allow anything to happen."

John cleared his throat a little and Sherlock closed the laptop. "Are you sure? Has he ever tried to...?"

Athena smiled amusedly at the two obviously uncomfortable men. "Sherlock, John, I think I'm asexual. I'm still figuring all of this out- but that's my guess for now."

John's shoulder's slumped the tiniest fraction in relief, and Sherlock smiled a bit frustratedly. "But has he ever tried to initiate-"

"No. We've been friend's since we both started school- having sex with him would be weird."

Actually, having sex with anyone would be a bit uncomfortable for her. She just wasn't interested in it.

Then, Sherlock nodded. "Go wherever you like, just text me when you get there."

Athena grinned and pulled out her phone, dialing Riley's number immediately. He picked up on the third ring.

"Hello?" He asked tentatively.

"Riley! Meet me at the spot in ten minutes. And add my number to your phone."

"You have a phone? When did that bastard buy you a phone?" he asked.

"....." She sat in silence, remembering that he didn't know about anything that happened over the last month.

"ATHENA? DO YOU NEED ANYTHING FROM THE MARKET?" John yelled from downstairs.

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