chapter 14

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The Game Is On, Part 1

Moriarty led her and Riley to the center of an almost empty room, standing in the middle while the two teens stood by the door.

"You will be put through a series of tests, much like puzzles or crime scenes. I give you a problem, you solve it. Simple enough, yes?"

She nodded as she gazed around the room- in the back corner was a door made entirely of glass. The only handle was on the other side, however, there was a lock on this side.

"I will take the boy around to the other side of that door. You can't break it because it's bullet proof, I have the key for this side, and the water will begin to fill this room as soon as the door I walk out from locks. You'll have approximately six and a half minutes to get out. If you don't, you drown and I shoot the boy," he explained clearly.

Athena took a deep breath and played with the edge of her cardigan nervously.

Moriarty stroked her face and hummed quietly. "Good luck, my pet. I'm counting on you."

She almost shuddered.

With that, he led Riley out of the room and sealed the door behind him. Athena was a bit distressed as Riley was led off, out of her reach, but she kept her wits about her and her head high.

Now, she couldn't break the glass. Nor could she just give up.

And what on earth could she pick the lock wi-


Pick the lock.


She pulled out her nail file and marched over to the door in almost a bored manner and jammed it into the keyhole. Next, she removed a bobby pin from her hair and wriggled the two items around until she heard a soft click.

And that's when everything went wrong. The water rushed in faster, and she heard Moriarty yell from some sort of speaker system. "YOU DIRTY LITTLE BITCH! Say goodbye to your precious Riley, my pet. I don't take cheating very well."

Quickly, she pulled the bobby pin and the nail file out of the socket, but it was too late. Something inside the lock started to electrocute her.

A scream bubbled in her throat and began to spill out, her back arching, her fingers curving in pain. She could feel the drool coming from her mouth, lazily spilling onto her face and chest.

And all she could think was, "Tell Sherlock I love him."


Athena opened her eyes and saw that she was lying in a bed, securely tucked underneath some blankets. It wasn't her bed- no the mattress was memory foam, not feather; the pattern on the comforter was polkadots, not music notes; the pillows were too hard, too worn. And the scent- dear god the scent- was that of fresh blood.

The second thing she saw was that Moriarty was seated at the end of her bed. "Good, you're awake. I was beginning to worry if you ever would."

She opened her mouth to speak, and cold air flowed onto her underused vocal chords, causing her to cough violently.

"Sh, sh. Don't try to speak- not after that many watts of electricity. It'll be a good week or so before you stop sounding like you smoke a pack a day," he explained, stroking her hair with his right hand. "Since you survived that shock- which most people don't- I let your little boyfriend go. However, you're here with me until I see fit."

Athena's eyes bugged wide and she tried to sit up.

"Don't bother. You're tucked in there too tightly."

She then felt something, a weight, not like the usual blanket. He weighted her down, at least fifty or sixty pounds at each corner.

She coughed again and wriggled underneath the blanket, trying desperately to tell him to let. her. go.

"We'll continue our little game in a couple weeks. Until then, relax."

She tried to sit up again, more violently this time. She turned her head and bit his hand, croaking and writhing and all around looking as if she lost her mind.

He drew his hand back and smacked her across the face. "Don't make me punish you."

She spat at him and writhed some more.

Moriarty chuckled darkly. "Oh, I'll have so much fun breaking you." Then, he flashed her a cynical smile. "The game certainly is on."

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