Chapter 20

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First and Last Date, Comfort, and Breaking Records

Above is Joseph (mostly bc look at him. just look at him.)

Exactly five days after the New Year, Athena and Joseph had managed to spend every day with each other, going around his work schedule and her time with Riley. However, it was evident that they needed to hang out somewhere other than 221B if they ever wanted to really talk without being eavesdropped on.

Or, at least, that's what Joseph said.

So that Saturday, Athena found herself holding a stuffed baby seal toy and walking around the London Zoo with Joseph's arm thrown casually over her shoulders. The wind was whipping her hair everywhere, but somehow, she noticed, Joseph still looked at her like she put the stars in the sky.

"Do you want to go to the bird exhibit?" he asked, a smile playing on his lips. He didn't seem to stop smiling the whole time.

Her lips twitched upward as she nodded, nudging his side playfully. "I suppose..."

She really liked him, she did, but zoos were not her scene. Seeing all the animals all locked up like that made her quite upset. At least, in the bird exhibit, there was an area where they could roam somewhat free.

"What is the matter, Princesa?" he inquired, squeezing her slightly as they walked.

She relayed her feelings on zoos with a slight bashfulness, cheeks tinted rose as she did so. As she finished explaining her disagreement with zoos, he laughed to himself.

"Why didn't you say so? We have to whole day ahead of us. I suppose we could go downtown and shop for a while," he suggested.

Now, she was truly smiling. He was too kind, especially since he'd paid for both of their entries to the zoo. "Well, there is a record shop downtown..."

With a soft kiss to her cheek, they walked out of the grand gates of the zoo and to Joseph's small car. It smelled a bit like cigars and, yes, coffee. It was cozy too: in the passenger seat, there was hardly six inches between their chairs.

"You know, four years of knowing you, and I never thought you'd agree to go out with me," he said, squinting at the road ahead of them. "Today is the day I've been thinking about forever."

She blushed for the second time that day and looked out the window beside her. "You're kidding," she laughed. "Me?"

"Of course, you. I don't call you Princesa for nothing," he smiled.

Athena bit her lip and looked around until her eyes rested back out the window beside her. She didn't know what to say. It was her first date, and everything was going smoothly. Joseph was sweet and she was enjoying herself to an extent, but it was quite...boring.

Suddenly, Joseph's phone blared loudly from his pocket, followed quickly by a small gasp and his eyes bulging. "Mí papa," he explained.

He dug the phone out of his pocket and held it to his ear. "Hola. El plan va bien. ¿Tengo que matarla?"

She couldn't tell what he was saying, but by the nervous look on his face, she knew it wasn't going well.

Then, the person on the other end of the line began to yell loud enough for her to hear. "YES, YOU DO! HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID?"

"Ella está en el coche conmigo."

The man on the other end quieted down as soon as the words left Joseph's lips, and Athena squinted at him. That man didn't sound like Joseph's father... In fact, it sounded quite like-

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