Chapter 11

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The Case Is Lost, and Mycroft Steps In

Athena looked in horror as Sherlock was escorted out of the courtroom. This was it- he had the evidence, he had the actual physical evidence in his possession and now it was gone.

"Your Honor-" she began.

"Silence! I think it's time for the jury to make their decision," the judge said.

Anxiously, she gripped John tightly, hiding her face in his shoulder. Chattering amongst the jury began, and Athena couldn't take it.

"John," she sobbed quietly. "Sherlock has the-"

"It'll be alright, sweetheart. Everything is alright," he soothed, hugging her tightly.

Riley was sitting on one of the wooden benches behind her, watching in concern. He wasn't the only witness for Athena- his mum, a few neighbors, a handful of school teachers, and various students that didn't entirely hate her had shown to vouch for her today. He had spoken mere moments before, as had various others depending on who the judge called up.

To put it frankly, there was no way that the Perishes could win this case.

The judge called everyone back in order, and Athena closed her eyes more tightly than before.

"Does the jury have their ruling?"

A man in a white suit stood, making eye contact with multiple men and women in the jury before learning his throat. "We find George and Sally Perish not guilty."

Athena squeaked and tears began to pour out of her eyes. This couldn't possibly be happening.

The judge cleared his throat and said, "She is to move back in with her former family by next Wednesday. Failure to do so will result in a fine of €20,000. Dismissed."

Riley clenched his fists tightly and rushed out of the courthouse, leaning against his mom's car.

Athena clutched onto John and cried as he guided her to the cabbie.

The various people that came for Athena marched out either melancholy or indignant.

This was it. This was the end.

Athena leaned back in her seat, looking up at the ceiling of the cabbie. John watched her, feeling extremely upset.

She knew what he was feeling. She always knew what he was feeling. So, in order to calm him, she said this very softly: "Everything is going to work out. I'm clever- I can work this out."

John tensed his shoulders and back, looking at her in the rearview window. He was no expert at perception, but he knew she was upset- he'd been helping raise the child for at least three and a half weeks. However, in order to keep her calm, he relaxed his muscles and gave her a weak smile, saying, "It's not me that you'll have to convince."

She chuckled. "Sherlock- bless him- is no longer apart this. He'll show up for the custody signing, but I think I know someone who can fix this."

Athena held her phone to her ear nervously. She wasn't big on asking favors; she didn't like giving people her responsibilities or the feeling of owing someone something. However, this was a last resort.

"Mycroft Holmes," her uncle said in a very professional voice.

"Uncle, I'm quite disappointed you haven't saved my number yet," she giggled lightly.

"Athena," he smiled. "I was just doing some paper work, and I'm expecting a call from the Prime Minister. Did you need something?"

That was his way of saying he couldn't speak long. With a sigh and a nod to herself, she said, "Sherlock got kicked out of the courtroom and lost the case. I'm going back to the Perishes in a couple days if something doesn't happen."

"What?" he snapped. "Listen, don't pack a single thing, understand? I assume Sherlock doesn't know you called, so keep to yourself. This'll be as clean and quiet as possible."

She smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Uncle Mycroft. I assume I'll still be seeing you next Sunday?"

She heard him chuckle over the line. "Of course, darling. I hope you don't mind sitting in for tea with some of my colleagues. I'm afraid that rescheduling isn't possible for this one."

Athena really did not want to sit in on that; however, she wanted to be as much in her uncle's good graces as possible, so she told him she couldn't wait. He probably knew that she didn't, but she brushed it aside and pocketed her phone after giving him her goodbyes.

"Yes," Sherlock said into his phone. "Yes, thank you. I'll do my best to be there."

Athena sat on the couch and listened to her father speak to his lawyer about her custody. Apparently, they were going back to court on Tuesday. Usually, Athena would be walking around London with Paul- one of her appointed bodyguards, courtesy of Uncle Mycroft- or Riley, but recently, the press had found out about her and the custody battle, which caused John and Sherlock to make her stay inside until it blew over.

"Mhm. Yes, I understand. The evidence will be in your care from here on out, aside from Athena."

She bit back a comment about the fact that she wasn't much evidence since her cast was taken off, but she stayed silent because Sherlock didn't like it when she spoke to her while he was on the phone.

"Thank  you. Have a nice day." Sherlock hung up his phone and smiled to his daughter. "It's a miracle."

Athena chuckled, eyes sparkling with mischief. "It was Mycroft."

Sherlock tried not deflate a bit when she said that, but it still showed. "At least you're safe- that's all that matters. Now come on, we're going out to eat tonight. John's already there."

She giggled with her eyes wide. "You just left him waiting like that?"

He only answered with a laugh and a pat on the back as Athena grabbed her shoes and rushed to the awaiting cabbie.

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