Christmas Speacial, Part 3/3

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The trio arrived at 221B thirty minutes later, Joseph wrapped in both Riley and Athena's coats, Athena's scarf, and Riley's gloves. When they walked through the front door, Sherlock immediately thundered out of his room and right up to Athena.

"What the bloody hell were you thinking?" he hissed.

She looked blankly at him, her main defense mechanism when being scolded or beaten.

"You could've been hurt! What if it was a trap? Did you even read my reply to your text? I said don't go! At least not without me! And taking our guns like that? John and I have permits by the government! You were breaking the law! Besides, when have you ever been taught to use one? Reading and applying are two different things. You had John and I worried sick, and we didn't know where you were, you just said you were going to investigate a few miles outside the city and-"

Riley coughed very loudly upon sensing Athena's utter discomfort. He was ranting like Mr. Perish ( though with more of a loving message, but still). Her face had gone blank with a vaguely weary undertone, one that he had seen many times in the mornings at school, right after she'd been dropped off by the Perishes.

"Anyway, we were worried. Don't ever do that again."

As Sherlock leant toward her for a hug, she flinched. She said in a very clear but quiet tone, "We found Joseph. Ring Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo and tell then he's safe."

With that, she turned to her room, Riley in tow.

"Look, I'm sure he did not mean it like that, princesa. I know you're new to this, but that's how parents are. They worry and worry and worry. By the looks of it, Sherlock plays a more fatherly role. Imagine if John did not have work," Joseph, who had been released by Sherlock moments before, said as he reclined comfortably beside Athena on her bed.

Riley had been called home by his mother to help with dinner just a little bit before Joseph meandered to her room and rested his stiff, sore muscles on her feather bed.

Athena nodded pensively. "I suppose so... I'm just not used to hearing rants like that and associating them with care." She shifted to lay on her side so she could see him better. "I'm weird, I know."

He chuckled lightly. "No, no, no. I understand. Señor Perish was cruel. You're still learning about family."

She smiled softly. "I'm glad you understand."

He turned to face her. "I always try my best to, even when your funny little head moves too fast."

It took everything in her to force the blush in her cheeks to stay at bay. "This isn't really how I thought I'd be spending Christmas holidays," she thought aloud.

He laughed. "I thought I'd be working."

She grinned. "I thought I'd be sleeping. And bothering you while you were working."

"Princesa, usted es demasiado especial para molestar." (1)

A small sigh escaped her lips. Something about his Spanish was just so captivating. "You know I can't understand you."

"That won't stop me."

That's okay, she thought. I don't want you to.

"Well, in that case, princesa," he grinned impishly.

Oh no... She said that out loud.

He laughed again and propped himself up on one arm. "Eres tan hermosa." (2)

She blushed. From all her not paying attention in Spanish class, she somehow caught what "hermosa" meant. Butterflies flew around in her stomach endlessly as he reached up and touched her face lightly.

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