Chapter 15: Concealer won't take the truth away

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Sam's perspective
It's morning. I rub my eyes and squint them together as I can feel a hint of light on my face. I scan the room, but I can't see him.

Spending some time with Parker turned out to be suprisingly easier than I thought it was going to be. I put our beds a bit closer to eachother, wich confused me a bit at first when I woke up. Did not really know where I was at first. (Since they had been in the same position for so long) Normally we sleep as far away from eachother as we can. Each a corner on a side of the room. Our tv rests on a wooden desk on wheels, wich we can just roll to ourselves when we want to watch tv. Alone. Not like this. We didn't talk yesterday night, we just watched a bit of highschool musical. I don't feel like it was much, I can't even really remember when I fell asleep, or if he did first. But someone turned off the tv. I rub my eyes again. How late is it? my hand searches for my phone, and I sigh when I see what the time is. 12? So much about waking up early...
I hear the shower. Great. He's going to use all the hot water.

I look at my phone. A few messages from Alex spill in.

Alex: Hi :) U up?
Alex: Wanted to tell u that Jason and I are going on this date thing he organised, we'll be home tommorow
Alex: He wants me to sleep in a car Sam, A car! 😭
Alex: When are you dying the roots of my hair again? I look ridiculous
Alex: Anyways, i'll hear from you later! Hope you have a good day, Love you! <3

I smile.

Sam: Had a late night
Sam: IN A CAR?? Wtf is that mf planning to do-
Sam: HAVE FUN ON YOUR DATE THO Give him a kiss from me 😏
Sam: Wait no but now I'm curious-
Sam: I do hope you guys have fun, expecting to hear EVERYTHING from you when you get back. And I mean EVERYTHING. I want the details.
Sam: Love you too :) <3

I turn the screen off as I see I'm low on battery. I plug it in and knock on the door of the bathroom. "You gotta be in there for much longer? Don't get scared when you come out, a lot has changed since you left. Pretty sure cars can fly now." The door flies open. "Ha! you're so fucking hilarious, it hurts me from laughing. and I already have a bruised rib!" Parker looks at me with an irritated look. "Goodmorning woa-" I frown When I look at him. The bruise where he got hit is darker now. "I know- I was supposed to meet friends to start training but-" "Wait- Are you serious? You're not actually going to start training- Parker you bruised a rib!" He rolls his eyes at me "Why the hell would I listen to you? I do what I want. There's a big match in a couple of weeks." He annoys me so much. "Parker- it hurts when you breathe, how the hell are you going to be able to train?" He looks at me. "Why do you care so much anyways? I just have no fucking clue how I'm going to hide this eye from them- they'll asks questions." I look at him and squint my eyes. Wait...

"Oh wow, I'm a genious! I say. "Me to your mother last night- He starts. "Shut up! No I have an idea. But you're not gonna wanna do it" He frowns at me. "What?" "Makeup." I smile. He laughs at me. "Makeup? I'm not going to a drag show, I'm playing football." I roll my eyes at him "Oh yeah I'm so manly, I'm just going to roll around with men in a field don't mind me." I mock him. He stares at me blankly. "I was TALKING about just concealer, but we can do the drag glam later if that's what you're up for." "No." He says. "And what the hell is a conealer?" I sigh. straight people. "I have 2 concealers. A green one and one that suits your skin color." "Why would you want a gre-" He starts. "Shut up. So the green one covers the bruise to even it all out, and the other one goes over that to give it, well, your skin color. So it looks natural." He frowns at me. "So this is how you must feel when we PLAY sports." He mumbles. I roll my eyes at him. "Okay do you want me to help you or not? "I can't believe I'm doing this, but yes, ok. Alright. One time. But you're not putting that shit on me, show me so I can do it myself.

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