Chapter 17: Dickheads can be attractive

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Sam's perspective
Well this was a special turn of events... No matter how hard I try, my mind refuses to believe any of this is real. Parker basically pushed Alex and Jason out of our room to sleep some more. And I can't really blame him- I mean we did steal his bed. I ignored Alex' tired arguing and just went back to sleep again. When I wake up it's already 12 and Parker is gone. And to be honest,
I think that's for the best. I don't really
know where we stand right now, and
what happends when we're back in
class tommorow. I shake my head. Ofcourse. Ofcourse I know what will happen, we will go back to no talking. I can't be this dumb, right? I just- We had so much fun. Blue hair really suits him. And I say suit because well, I heard him mumble that it wasn't coming off. So I guess he's still blue. I smile at that. Just knowing that he's someone else for a second, someone real, gives me some peace. He keeps shocking me.. He's so different then how I thought he was. Then how I've always known him.

It's 7 when Parker comes home. "Where have you been?" I ask him. "Why do you have to know? l'm not yours." I frown. "Ok...? Are you alright?" "We're not friends." He tells me. "Ok sure. be an asshole. I don't care." I tell him. He rolls his eyes. "Just so you know, tommorow this is done. I had fun, I have to admit that, but I'm not like you. I'm NEVER going to be like you. Stop talking to me." I swallow. Why does that hurt? He's never been able to so that. I don't like it. This is why I never tried to be friends with him, to be close with him.

I regret everything I thought of him. Every positive thing that even went through my head for a second. He's an asshole. "You know, It's funny how you keep indicating that I have a crush on you when you called me pretty and have
been just around me these past few
days. I didn't ask you to, but I let you." He gets red at that, but doesn't say anything. So I keep going "I HELPED YOU, you fucking asshole. I did that, for you. I accepted you in the group of MY FRIENDS, the friends you and your boyfriends have been just absolutely tormenting for years by the way- And you can't even be thanktul
and nice to me for one more day? l KNOW Parker. I know you care too much about what they'd say if they knew that you're hanging out with queer people and I don't even care that everything will be back to normal. But you can't just pretend like you don't hate me for one second? Actually fuck off." He wants to say something but I gesture that he cant. I'm just too angry. The rest of the night I just listen to music with my headphones and sleep my hangover away.

The truth is, I wasn't completely honest when I said that I didn't care if we didn't talk after this. Because I think he's more special than I realised. I thought, I mean. The first bell rings and Parker and his friends are talking and laughing about whatever stupid shit goes through a straight boy's head. He's so annoying, the stupid way how he just talks like that. Jason and Alex frown. Apparently I said that out loud.. "What do you mean, I thought everything was, well, cooler now?" Jason asks. Alex shakes his head. "Ofcourse it isn't, I just KNEW he was going to get back at this shit. Sam, what did he say?" I shake my head. "Just, things... Stupid idiotic things. It doesn't matter." Parker looks up at me. I want to look away but he looks sad. I study his face. Not one hint of whatever is under the concealer. Another thing I've helped him with. I look at his hair. The blue dye is completely out after his last try this morning. So here he is, pretending again. I do feel sad for him in a way. I also can't believe he got all the dye out. I mean, so I thought, because when he sits down in front of me I can see a little bit of blue on the hair behind his ear. Alex nudges my sleeve. "Stop drooling Over him. He's not worth it." "I'm not." I frown. Our teacher walks in and says something that I dont listen to, because I'm too focused about subtly finding more blue streaks in his hair. Suddenly He looks back at me and I freeze. Shit. Has he noticed I was staring? Why WAS I staring? Alex whispers an "oh shit." To me, and just then I realise that the reason Parker is looking at me is because of what Mr. Rios. just said. "I know we have never done this, but I thought it might be fun to all hang out for a bit! You know, to chill, and stuff." Some of my classmates psychially cringe at that. "You kids these days are always on your phones." I frown and look at Alex. "Wait, what's happening?" "We're all going...Camping." He shakes his head in dissapointement. "WHAT?" I ask, a bit too loudly.

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