Chapter 29: Ending song

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Parker's perspective
It's been a few months now and I can finally say that things are looking up. The principal was fired and my dad is facing a few years. Apparently he did some other fucked up things aswell and they have been looking into him for a long time. Sam and I are still going strong. A lot has changed, for example, I share my room with Jason now and Sam does too with Alex. We intend to keep it this way next year too, until we graduate. We all talked about it and we're just too young too live together already, so that wouldn't make sense. We can still do sleepovers at our boyfriends whenever we want, though. God it still feels so awesome to say that, our boyfriends. It just works better, this way we all get a chance to take things slow. We even asked our new principal (a very lovely woman, who only enjoys sports the healthy amount) if we could keep it this way next year and she said yes. It has also helped Jason and I to grow closer, he's becoming one of my best friends and he means a lot to me. But so do the other guys. I smile as I pass the mirror. My hair is blue now, Sam dyed it for me. He pulls his arms around me, kissing my neck. I smile as I look at us in the mirror. "You ready?" He says, smiling.
"Yes. Always." I kiss his lips. "You look amazing. So hot." I whisper in his ear. He chuckles. He really does look hot. We're wearing shirts with rainbows on them. His is more subtle than mine, but he's wearing a bracelet with a litte rainbow on it and has rainbows on his cheeks. I fix the edges for him, kissing his nose. He holds my hand, spinning me around. I chuckle. "So do you." He says.
I give him one big kiss before opening the door.
Alex is waiting impatiently, ticking his watch. "Finally! Jesus christ, what took you both so long?

Alex' perspective
Jason takes my hand, kissing my cheek. "It's okay, love. We still have time." I sigh. "I know, but they're always so godamn slow. They're probably waiting and we can't be late-"
Parker signs at me to calm down.
"Come on, Alex. You're stressing me out."
I sigh again. "Sorry, oh wait, our Uber is here!"
Parker mumbles something behind me, but I ignore it. I don't like being late, especially for something as important as this. Especially on a day like this. We get into the Uber and I can't help but to smile. I used to have one friend. And believe me, having Sam as a friend was enough for me. He means the world to me. But then, this guy arrived at our school and it made me realise that there was room in my heart for other people aswell. It made me realise that there are people that can make you feel safe and that you can relax with them. We all talk about our feelings, we talk to eachother every night and are even making plans of living together when we all graduate. I think that's nice, because places are expensive and I would love to have them around a little longer. Parker and I are probably the least close, but we're growing closer every day. I realise now that he just needed to find himself and if I'm being honest (altough I don't like admitting it), he's a really good guy and I've grown to trust him. Talking to him actually made me realise that I might be autistic and it made me look for a diagnosis. The waiting list is really long but that's okay, because my friends support me. I realised that I might be autistic after Parker told me about his nephew, who has a higher functioning form of autism. I started to relate with a lot of things from my childhood and Parker encouraged me to look further into it. It actually would make so much sense.  The funny thing is, after this conversation all of us decided to start therapy (separatly). We talked about a lot of things that happened to us and really heard eachother out and told eachother our stories. I think that might have been one of the heaviest days of this whole year, for all of us. We cried and laughed and bonded and we all decided to get professional help, to really cope with what happened to us all. We also ate tons of icecream and drank bellinis while watching High School Musical obviously. Getting professional help is good. Me for my parents abandoning me because I was "too much to handle", help to manage my possible autism and anxiety, Jason for the abuse he suffered in his other school and his constant panic and anxiety attacks, Parker for the abuse that his father did to him and his internalised homophobia and Sam for the trauma he has from the attack that hospitalised him (and the disgusting teacher). That's more than a handfull, but we'll be okay. We've been hurt, all of us. But knowing that we now have eachother changed the world. I hold Jason's hand and I squeeze it. He still makes my face red, even after months of dating. My beautiful boy from the song. He smiles, kissing me. "Geeez, get a room." Sam smiles at us, while kissing Parker on the cheek. I laugh. God I love my friends.

Jason's perspective
Looking back on this year, this school has saved me. Now, don't get me wrong, most of the teachers are absolutely horrible and so was the principle. But it has saved me in so many ways. Coming here gave me hope, acceptance, love and friendship. But most importantly, it also gave me safety. A safety in who I am and who I love, a safety in being able to trust people again. I look up at Alex as he squeezes my hand and I wonder what my life would have been without him in it. I quickly think about something else, because I don't like that thought at all. He nervously bites his lip and I pull my hand through his hair, softly. Squeezing his hand back. "We'll be okay." I say. "You're not nervous?" He whispers. "Oh, I am. But I'm also SO ready." I smile at Parker and he smiles back, nodding. Parker and I have been becoming closer too, I live with him now. He's a good guy, he works on who he is every day and it inspires me to do the same.

Sam's perspective
I get out my makeup bag with a tiny mirror in it, putting some highlights at the corner of my eyes. "Anyone else, highlights?"
"Seriously, guys, we'll be okay." Jason tries calming us down again.
"I know that, I just want this to go great. Sparkles make things great, right? Anyone?"
Parker smiles at me. "Me."
I smile at him, gently holding his face and applying the sparkles.
"Okay yeah, me too." Jason says. Alex nods. "Yeah, me too."

Alex turns to us. "Daniël and Rayne are already there."
We met Daniël and Rayne on our school trip months back and we all stayed in touch. We don't see them that often, but when we do it's always so fun.
"They're asking where we are." Alex bites his lip.
"Almost there." Jason checks with the driver and reassuringly puts a hand on Alex' shoulder. I hold Parker's hand and squeeze it.

When we get there, Rayne, Daniël and their friends are waiting for us. "There you guys are! What took you so long!" Rayne hugs us, so do the rest.
"Sorry, sorry! It's all Parker and Sam's fault they're just so slow..." Alex throws his hands up in defeat.
I roll my eyes at him "We were just kissing just so you know."
Parker chuckles "Yes, just so you know, we were kissing. That's more important than time." He kisses me again.
Alex pretends like he's going to puke. "Ugh. You guys are insufferable."
Daniël chuckles. "Come on, let's go! This is going to be fun."
I ruffle Alex' hair. The pink nailpolish that Parker gave me is on my nails. It's the most beautiful color in existence. "Let's go loves."

Parker's perspective

I look up at the big board in front of us.
I take a deep breath closing my eyes and smile. None of us have been to pride, we were scared. So scared. Maybe we still are a little bit. But we have eachother. If you had told me a year ago that I would be going to pride I would have had a panic attack. I exhale. But I'm safe now and I can say confidently that all is well. Things might still be difficult and things might get difficult, but I will be able to handle it.
Right now, I am the happiest person alive. Right now, all is well and all is perfect. Imperfectly perfect. I came out and the world didn't end. I'm happy. And that is all I ever asked for.


Author's note
Hi lovely people.
I'm sorry that it took so long, I tried ignoring this book because I didn't want to finish it. But all things must come to an en and this story is finished. I love my boys, they are written by me over the years. But they have outgrown me as I have outgrown  writing them. They have lives and minds on their own now.
I started writing this book, struggling in my own identity, not in a safe space. I was 15/16 back then and I'm 20 now. I'm still struggling, but I'm managing. This book is far from perfect. It has it's flaws and it exists stupidly and it is as how Parker put it, imperfectly perfect. But I am so proud to say that this is the first book that I ever finished. These guys will always have a special place in my heart and so will anyone that has shown me support to write over the years.

To the people that are hurting and struggling too right now: I see you. You're here and you belong, even if the people around you make you feel like you don't. You're here and there are other people like you. Please stay, please hold on.
I want to share some quotes with you that I hold onto dearly every day:

- If you die, they win.
- Reveal to them who you are, if you dare.
- If you live your life trying to be someone else, who's gonna be you?

Goodbye beautiful people, I hope you live your life and find how worthy you are of everything. I see you.

Hope you all have a good day/ night, hugs for those that want it <3

- Sem

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