Chapter 13: The secret

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Alex' perspective
"YOU DID WHAT?" Sam and I are standing in front of our lockers. "I KiSsEd HiM!¡" I scream/whisper. "NO YOU DIDN'T" He scream/whispers back. I'm so happy. After last night I fell asleep in his bed. Next to him. It's not like we did anything, I mean besides kissing, and hugging, but that would be too early anyways. I'm not ready for that.

"HOW WAS IT? HOW DO YOU FEEL?" I dont think I've ever seen Sam THIS excited. "Welll.. Woah. Boys are kinda cool.." I whisper. "SEE? THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING THIS WHOLE TIME!" I laugh. A teacher passes us and gives us an angry look. "Calm down Sammy, she's gonna give us detention if you keep shouting like that." "Well excuse me, this is some very exciting news!" He says, looking offended but also happy. "Hey but do me a favor, don't bring it up around him." I say. "Oh I'm sure I'm not the one who's gonna bring something up amiright.." He mumbles, but I can hear it. I just look at him, first in disbelief, then annoyed. Just with so much regret for telling him. "What was that." "Nothing bestie, I promise I wont." He grins. The bell rang. "So, where IS our prince charming?" He asks. "Well, he's actually already in class, studying for the maths test. Sam's eyes turn big. "Wait, maths test??" I frown. "Yeah, you forgot to study didn't you?" "Well, yeah, apparently??" He looks at me, in question. "Don't worry Sammy, you and I both know you're gonna pass it either way, you have been since we got here. Not only for maths, for every class."

At that moment we hear someone laughing. Not in a genuine way, more like in a mocking way. "Ofcourse." He mumbles. He walks past us, as we frown to see who it is. I sigh annoyed. Parker. "Excuse me, you having a you problem?" Sam asks him. "Having a bad day? Mommy forgot to wash your football clothes?" Parker looks angrily at him. "I would be very careful if I were you." He mumbles. "Oh yeah? What you gonna do big guy? Beat me up? Give me a death stare for like, a week? Insult me some more?" Sam frowns. Parker sighs annoyed. Don't you ever just shut up?" Sam chuckles. "Why don't you make me?" He says, mocking Parker. I chuckle with that, I just love my friend so much. Parker's eyes go big, he tries to mumble something out that's supposed to sound like an insult, then just sighs and goes in the class. "Keeps bothering you doesn't he?" I ask my friend. "Well, he tries. But I find my ways to break him." He grins.

We go in the class. Jason smiles when he sees me, blushing. I basically do the same back. Maybe I get more red, but hey, no one reads into details... Sammy keeps looking from Jason to me, very discreetly. I punch him in the arm every time he winks at me.

Jason's perspective
He definitly told Sam. But that's okay, he was gonna find out either way. Altough I'm not really sure what he found out... Are we together? I mean, we kissed, he fell asleep next to me, he likes me... I like him... I left him early this morning. I didn't leave leave him, We woke up together, perhaps made out some little more and then I left. To study, maybe also a bit because I didn't really know what to say. I'm not great at this. But I wanna be, I'm gonna do my best to be. I really do like him. I'm just scared that he isn't sincere, I guess. That he's gonna break my heart in a million pieces and scatter it around the world. He smiles. I smile back. I think I stole some red from his cheeks last night. He has alot of it anyways, and I normally don't blush... He's looking as beautiful as always, his hair all messy and his cheeks all red. He's wearing a purple sweater. Making a mental note to remind myself to steal that one one day...

I really like him.

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