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[Dream's POV]

I walked out of the school building after another exhausting day of school, ready to head back to my dorm.

"Dream!Dreeeaaaaam!" Came a familiar voice not too far behind me, "wait up!"

I stopped in my tracks and looked around. It was Sapnap, my best friend. He caught up to me, breathing heavily.

I raised an eyebrow."What is it?"

"I just—gimme a sec—I just overheard George telling his friends that he wanted to play hide and seek tonight in the main building!"


"So? What do you mean so? You can't seriously have forgotten, have you?"

"Forgotten what?"

"THE PROMISE WE MADE!" The look of sheer incredulity on his face told me that he definitely wasn't lying.

"What promise?!"I racked my brains for any promise Sapnap and I might've made over the past few months, but none came to mind.

"The one we made about our revenge plan on Wilbur for what he and his friends did last Friday!"

I froze.

Oh, that promise.

*Flashback to last Friday*

I was on my way to the cafeteria, ready to meet with my friend group like any other day. However, today, approaching the hallway, I noticed how abnormally quiet it was. Wanting to see what was up, I quickened my pace, and, at the entrance, walked straight into someone. Glancing up, I held back a groan as I saw Wilbur, my least favorite person in the school, staring right back down at me. He was clutching something, an alarmingly smug grin on his face. Upon closer inspection, I realized that the object looked suspiciously like...

...my journal?!

Oh shit.

This was bad.

This was really bad.

Immediately, I tried to snatch it from him, but he was too quick. He went on tiptoes as he raised it high above his head, barely just out of my reach, tutting at me.

"Nuh-uh-uh," he said in an insufferable singsong tone, "not just yet, Clay."

I glared at Wilbur, silently wishing for him to just drop dead on the spot.

"How the fuck did you get that?!" I hissed.

He ignored me, instead turning his attention towards the crowd of students now surrounding us.

"This, everybody, is Clay's journal , or as he prefers to be called, Dream."

The boy stopped for a moment and looked around, basking in all the incoming attention , looking beyond pleased.

I was not having it.

"Give it back."

He smirked. "Hmm...let me think about that..."

"Give it back, Wilbur."

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