20-We shall.

395 15 3

[George's POV]

A whole lot more teasing and annoying later, Sapnap eventually left the room, leaving me alone with Dream.

I just stood there, staring at him, processing everything that Sapnap had said.

Although most of it was extremely exaggerated, there was still some truth to it. I also found out why we had super fancy rooms. Apparently, the hospital had used them to bribe us into not song them to press what that idiot of a medic did.

Out of all my thoughts, one single question just couldn't escape my mind: did I actually like Dream?

Ever since we'd gotten stuck in that room together, he'd been nothing short of gracious to me, and, for that, I was unbelievably grateful.

Some more pondering later, I came to the conclusion that I probably did have a bit of a thing for him.

A hoarse and soft, though recognizable, sleepy voice snapped me out of my thoughts.


"Dream!" I panicked slightly, and reached a hand down to check his temperature. "Are you feeling alright? Do you need anything? Is it too hot in here? Too cold? Do you want water? Do you—"

"George, slow down," Dream smiled, "and I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me."

I leaned down and hugged him. "I see you're appalling idiocy hasn't changed."

He laughed. "Come on now, Georgie, you know you love me."

"You're right, I do," I seated myself beside him on the large bed, "but please, for the love of us all, don't ever scare me like that again."

"I won't, I promise." An arm reached up to wrap around me and pulled me close. I leaned my head on his shoulder and relaxed into the moment.

The door burst open.


We jumped apart, startled by the sudden intrusion. Sapnap stood in the doorway, looking gleefully from one to the other, a victorious grin plastered across his annoying face.

The others, including Quackity, were behind him, some staring blankly at us, others partially mirroring Sapnap's current expression.

I rolled my eyes. "It's not like we did anything. I just gave him a hug."

"Yeah, and then you said you loved him, and he was about to fucking kiss yo—"

"First off," I said, "I never actually said that, and—"

"What do you mean?! He was like, 'oh, Come on now Gogy Wogy, you love me so, so much,' and you were like, 'oh yes, Dreamie Weamie, I love you so much, and I wanna kiss you right now and—'"

"I did NOT say that!"

"You said something like that."

I groaned. "Just shut up and and leave us alone, Dream needs to get some rest."

Sapnap made a run-dive for the bed. He landed in front of us, looked at me for a second, then, without warning, shoved me forward, right into Dream, whispering to me, "you'll thank me later."

With that, he jumped off the bed, ushered everyone out, and left us visibly alone, though I knew they were still somehow spying on us.

I looked at Dream, who was looking right back at me. He had not moved one bit. Thanks to Sapnap, our faces were now mere inches apart.

The blonde leaned in impossibly closer."Let's give them what they want, shall we?"

"We shall."

I closed the gap.

539 Words

(CRC: 429)


(For everyone that saw the edit, I just added something to make the story make more sense)

Shorter chapter because I still don't know how I wanna and this story.

I know it's been another week since I last uploaded. Once more, I deeply apologize.

Besides that, how was your day? Good, I hope.

That's all for now. As usual, have a great day/noon/night!😁

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