Bonus Chapter 1

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This is for you, @TheBee_Maja

[Wilbur POV]

It's been about a month since Dream and George got together. In that time, not only have Sapnap and Karl realized their feelings for each other, but Bad's boyfriend, Skeppy, had switched schools to come join him.

The main building was in the process of being reconstructed, and, for now, all final exams had been cancelled. Everyone automatically passed their exams, which gave us the rest of the year off.

At the moment, our newly formed group of friends had taken refuge on the roof of the students' quarters.

I sighed as I watched the three couples, each having claimed a different corner of the building.

The gremlin and the two teenagers had run off to god knows where, which just left me and Quackity to seventh and eighth wheel.

Honestly, seeing so many happy couples around me was extremely tiring, especially since the only girl I've ever asked out never actually gave me an answer.

Her name was Sally. She had red hair, unusually scaly skin, and large, bulging eyes that highly resembled that of a fish.

I can never really be sure if she agreed though, since the only time I ever saw her was when I fell into the lake a few years back while I was high out of my mind.

Either way, I asked her out as soon as I saw her. I never got her answer, though, I ran out of air and had to swim back to the surface, and by the time I swam back down again, she'd already swam away.

Ahh, Sally, how I wish I could've held my breath just a bit longer...

"Dude, you good?"

I was snapped out of my train of thought by a hand waving in front of my face.

"Hey, did you hear what I said?"

"Sorry, what?" I brought myself back to reality and stared at the boy in front of me.

He rolled his eyes. "I said, don't you think it's annoying how all our friends are in relationships and we're seventh and eighth wheeling all the time?"

A smile crept onto my face. "Funny you mention it, I was actually just thinking about that."

I watched as his smile slowly turned into a smirk. "You know what would be a very good idea?"

I cocked my head. "What?"

He grinned mischievously. "If, my dear friend, we got together too."

"Actually..." I though for a moment, "That isn't a bad idea. We both get a relationship, and gremlin and co officially become the ninth, tenth, and eleventh wheels." 


I smirked back and held out my hand. "Sounds good, boyfriend, it's a deal."

He mirrored my gesture and we shook hands. "Right back at ya, boyfriend."

"Soooooooo..." I looked down at Quackity, "what should we do now?"

"Dunno..." he looked around at the three other couples. "Make out?"

I shrugged. "Why not?"

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