22- The End

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[Sapnap POV]

They both stared back at me. A moment later, Dream spoke.

"So, you're meaning to tell me, you broke our 3-year rivalry, just to get me and George together?"

I pretended to think for a moment, then shrugged and replied, "yeah, I guess so."

A slap sounded through the room and I could faintly feel my cheek burning. Then, I was pulled into a tight hug.

"That is for throwing away all my hard earned progress," said my best friend, "but I love you for everything that came out of it." He gave me a final squeeze, then eventually pulled away.

I smiled and couldn't help rolling my eyes. Dream could really be an idiot sometimes.

Much to my surprise, another pair of arms wrapped themselves around me. But it wasn't the action itself that shocked me, it was the person behind the action.

Even in his own friend group, George was never the touchy type, so to be willingly embraced by him was quite the privilege.

"Thank you," he murmured, smiling, "I guess you were right after all."

I readily returned the hug. "Glad you finally admit it."

He pulled away and immediately deadpanned. "Don't push it."

I simply laughed.

*Time Skip*

Once Dream and George were officially discharged from the hospital, our group of ten decided to spend some time to actually get to know each other.

But first, we paid a final visit to the place where it all started:

What used to be the cafeteria.

The ceiling had caved in on one side, destroying everything and ultimately deeming it far too dangerous to approach.

However, the other side was perfectly untouched. The pillars had fallen outward, causing the remainder of the room to follow its course. This left a perfectly safe exposed space of refuge.

We made our way through the piles of rubble and over to the space, where we pushed aside a few tables and formed a larger place for us all to comfortably sit.

Conversation came quicker and more easily than I'd thought, and soon, everyone was chatting and laughing like we'd been friends for years.

Everyone, I noticed, except for Dream.

He was sat beside me, and although he joined in on the conversation every once in a while, his attention seemed to be elsewhere.

I smiled. There was no need to follow his gaze to know who he was looking at.

Scooting closer to him, I said in an undertone, "Go on, we both know you want to."

He smiled. "Thanks, bro."

Dream stood up and brushed himself off, catching George's eye and signaling him to follow.

George got the message and followed his boyfriend's actions. Clearly, he, too, had not been completely focused on the conversation.

I flashed them both a smile as they left.

(With Dream and George)

[Dream's POV]

"Come," I said, taking George's hand, "I want to show you something."

He didn't need telling twice.

The two of us slipped away from the rest of the group, crossing the courtyard to the students and teachers' living quarters.

We entered the building, and I led us past the elevator and stairs, then passing a second set of stairs, following the route that I knew so well.

After rounding a corner, George gasped.


I raised a hand to his lips. "Shh, we can talk when we get there, okay?"

He nodded and leaned closer into me.

A couple minutes later, I once again found myself patiently awaiting nightfall from the roof of the students' quarters.

The only difference was, this time, I wasn't alone

This time, I had someone to admire it with.

I glanced down at the smaller boy who was seated beside me, legs dangling dangerously over the edge.

His hair shimmered in the impending dusk, just as his eyes did when they mirrored my adoring gaze.

In this moment...

...everything was perfect.

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